Ch 13: Crisis on Earth X pt 1

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Our story begins on an earth so terrible it did not even deserve a number. Instead it was designated as Earth X.

Constance Vivianna Stitch met a Nazi soldier by the name of Nicholas Logan Springs. He snuck into her concert to see her perform an ode to the fatherland. Love bloomed between the two as they met and courted secretly. He was a low ranking soldier, far below the woman's high status. Though they knew their love would likely lead to both their hearts breaking they never expected things would turn out the way they did. One thing led to another and sex happened as it so often does between couples, the condom broke, however in this world there was no chance for Constance to run off with the man she loved to a quaint little farm and raise their baby girl.

The man didn't even get to know she was pregnant. He was discovered to be a part of the resistance and was subsequently hanged and then shot by a firing squad for good measure. Her pregnancy was kept quiet so as not to shame the family. Her mother set her up with a love match having found out before the secret was spilled. It was a match that with Nick dead, she was forced to accept. A well standing general high in the ranks. Young for his age, though in Constance's personal opinion, not young enough.

It was a loveless marriage, all the riches that surrounded her, all the treasures she accumulated could not fill the void in her heart. Her child was the only thing that made life bearable and yet on this earth her sweet child was not safe at home and in truth neither was she. For this man, this general, was no where near the tender and loving husband and father that Nicholas Springs was.

On this earth, Clarity's so called father used her for experimentation. His goal was to create the perfect weapon for the fatherland. Her mother begged him not to, to do these tests on her instead, however the man would hear none of it. The tests required someone young, not just compliant. For most of her youth Clarity was used as a lab rat, her mother unable to handle watching her daughter be put through such pain, tried to work with the resistance and escape with her to give her a better life. Begging some of Nick's old friends. However, the mother's plan was found out by the father, and he killed her, making it look as if rebels had ended his dead wife's life. Clarity none the wiser of the man's deceit. Believing the resistance to be the perpetrators.

Finally through the use of a particle accelerator, a nearby circuit board resting on a table and a well timed lightning bolt Clarity gained her metahuman abilities. This earth x version possessing all the abilities of her earth 1 counterpart with 1 key difference. Her lightning and her eyes were red.

After gaining her powers, at age 12 she was put into basic training with other metahumans and skillful individuals like herself. They were to rule the fatherland and become the next Reich. The next Fuerher, Prometheus, Overgirl, Siren-X, Canary-X, and, Crash as she so named herself. However, Siren-X's sister had caught her eye. There was something about her, this Sara, that stole her attention in a way that it should not have. A way that was only meant to be felt for the opposite sex and yet Clarity felt desires stir. One day when the two were training alone and the younger Lance had her pinned down with her knives, it was a mystery who had been the one to first lean in, but the kiss was reciprocated and she found out the feelings she'd been harboring were shared. They could not fight their forbidden temptation. What started as simple sinful experimentation turned to unbearable passion which bloomed into an unbreakable love.

The two started a relationship in secret. For years they hid their love, knowing the world would never accept them, not the one everyone wanted them to create, the one both were quick to realize was wrong and not what they wished to come to be. Secretly they worked with the resistance. Feeding them information, going easy on their fighters, sometimes even purposefully getting hurt so their side would fall back, the two wanting to build a world where they could be together freely. Crash even went on to discover with their resistance workings that it was her father who had her mother killed. Clarity was distraught over this information, naturally, and Sara being the amazing assassin girlfriend she was on any earth, killed him for her, framing him for feeding intel to the resistance like they were actually doing. Successfully covering their asses as well as getting revenge for her girlfriend. However, all secrets must one day be revealed. They were discovered, by Sara's sister, Laurel.

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