Chapter two: You take my breath away.

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Saturday came round and I really didn't want to go to Tony's party, but I told him I would.


I pulled on apair of red skinny jeans and a slipknot tank before messing with my hair to make it seem atleast presentable. I pulled on my jacket to hide the ugly scars that littered my wrists. I decided to walk to Tony's house since it was only a block away.

"Mom, I'm leaving." I shouted knowing I wouldn't get a reply.

I closed the door and began walking down the road towards Tony's house.

It was about 8:30 meaning it was already quiete dark.

I carried on walking until I turned the corner and saw Tony's house.

It wasn't that loud and there were a few people on the lawn doing practically nothing.

I walked over and into the avoiding eye contact with the three guys on the lawn.

I made my way into the kitchen and saw Tony standing with Jaime of his friend.

I walked over to greet them.

"Hi." I mumbled quietly.

"Hey, glad you could make it." Tony smiled.

"Hey, Kellin, right ?" Jaime asked statically.

"Yeah." I mumbled nodding slightly.

"Hey, come meet the others." Tony motioned for me to follow him.

I followed him into the living room and saw a few people just standing around casually.

One guy stood out, he had brown shoulder length hair and was slightly short but looked older than the rest. He looked so adorable.

Kellin, stop, your gay is showing.

Tony dragged me further into the living room and walked over to the adorable guy and whispered something to him to which he looked over at me and smiled nodding at Tony. He was gorgeous and it took my breath away just looking at him.

"So, hey guys, this is Kellin." Tony put his hand on my shoulder.

They all smiled and waved.

"Kellin, that, as you know is Mike. Then there's

Austin, Alan, and Vic." He pointed to each of them.

"Right, I gotta go find Jaxin. Catch you later." He said before walking out of the living room.

I looked around and noticed there were about 60 people here. It was a good party, I guess.

I sat down on my couch and pulled out my phone.

Nothing new.

I slid my phone back into my pocket and noticed Vic wad walking toward me.

My breath cought in my throat.

"Hey." He smiled shyly.

"Hi." I mumbled.

"So, who are you ? I havnt seen you around school." I talked quietly.

"I graduated last year don't you remember me ?" He cocked an eyebrow and sat beside me.

I gave him a confused look.

"Y'know, that time Ronnie and Max were beating you up behind the library and I came and helped you ?" My eyes widened.

That was him ?

He's Vic Fuentes ?

Ofcourse Mikes brother you dumb fuck!

"I had no idea that was you." He nodded.

"Yeah... I know, I look different." He chuckled.

"I mean I still remember you pretty well. How could I forget ? You had a crush on Justin Hills, The school asshole." He chuckled slightly.

I frowned at all those memories I had planned on forgetting and I'm sure Vic had noticed cause then said:

"Oh, uhhh, sorry for bringing that up." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's fine." I shook my head and fake smiled.

"Hey, so uhh do you wonna go upstairs ?" His eyes wide once he realised what he had just said.

"I-I mean n-not like that cause you know it's more quiet... Oh shit no that came out wrong." He blushed.

"Yeah, sure lets go upstairs." I chuckled.

Me and Vic made our way upstairs and saw Tony coming out of what I assumed wad the bathroom.

"Pulled already ? Jesus, Vic I said he was single can't you keep it in your pants ? I hope this isn't a one time thing. " He shouted while walking down the stairs.

I felt my tempereture rise.

What ?

Vic was gay ?

And Tony told him I was single ?


Tony bought me here to meet Vic didn't he ?

Sneeky. Little. Shit.

I turned around and saw Vic standing there a deep scarlet blush coating his cheeks.

"Wait." My face was serious.

"Is that the reason Tony invited me ? So you could have a one night stand with me ?" I frowned.

A/N: heyyy sooo second chapter.. hope you enjoyed the story does get better so just hang in. Anyways I really like writing this and I hope it isnt really bad or boring to read or anything.

* gives you Tony's spare house key *

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