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"James Potter!" Lily screamed, "You listen right now!"

James snapped his head around to see the redhead.

"You wanna know why Sirius ran off?!" she shouted.

James gently shook his head trying not to piss the girl off anymore than she already is.

"You asked me out, and he ran away crying, ARE YOU THAT STUPID?!" she screamed.

James held a confused expression on his face, giving Lily a definite yes.

"HE LIKES YOU, YOU IDIOTIC DONKEY!" she shouted as he looked as if hit by a large boulder.

"H-he... what?!" James said as Lily's face calmed.

"He likes you, and it's so obvious the feeling is mutual! My guess is you were telling yourself that you only liked me to get the thought out of your head. I would've done the same if I had a crush on Alice! Now, go get your man before he cries an ocean!" Lily said as James sped off to find Sirius.

James found Sirius but stayed behind the door to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"He doesn't like me Remus, I'm telling you!" Sirius sobbed as his best friend comforted him.

"If he doesn't, he missed a great person," Remus said.

"B-but James is one of my best friends and... I don't know what I would do if he didn't like me back!" Sirius yelled into Remus's shirt.

"He probably just hasn't realized how great of a person you are yet," Remus said.

"Don't worry, I have," James whispered as he ran away crying.

Remus immediately jumped up and followed him all the way to the boys' lavatory.

"Remus?!" James said as he plopped himself on the ground.

"Why did you ask out Lily?" Remus asked monotonously.

"I-I thought that if I asked out Lily I would have a better chance and- and I thought that all those thoughts of liking Sirius would vanish because I thought he didn't like me and- and-" James said quickly before being cut off by Remus.

"Hey, hey! Slow down the train! But I do think I completely understand the situation. Let's just head back to your future husband so you can ask him out," Remus said, lending out his hand to a giggling James.

Oh. My. Goodness. Like, how good am a writer am I to have over 400 views?! oop- you is all mistaken me for someone I ain't

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