"What pizza did you get?" I asked joining the boys in the circle on the floor with the pizza boxes now spread out on the floor in the middle.

"Margarita, chicken, pepperoni and meat feast." Ashton said taking a slice from one of the boxes. Between the five of us we managed to devour all four pizzas, well the boys actually ate most of them, before putting Netflix on and lying together on the floor, leaning back with our heads resting on the couch. The boys fell asleep pretty early no doubt tired after the long flight over from Australia, well Luke was just being lazy but the others were probably jet lagged. I walked into the rooms and grabbed their quilts off their beds walking back in and placing them over them. They were all resting on each other and Calum and Ashton had cuddled into each other with their arms both wrapped around the other. They looked so cute that I couldn't resist taking a picture before I went to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell into a calm and peaceful sleep.

I was rudely awoken by my alarm going off, groaning as I turned it off and then went through my normal morning routine. Shower, breakfast, get ready and then brush my teeth. It was different this morning because instead of just me and Luke needing to be in the shower there was five of us all needing to be in the bathroom at once and we were in no way prepared to share with each other. "Michael hurry up." I shouted pounding on the bathroom door. "I need to brush my teeth." He unlocked the door before going back to brushing his own teeth. "Thanks I've only been banging on the door for five minutes." I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I was in the shower." He said although his voice was muffled by the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Yeah you're right my innocent eyes do not want to see that." I said beginning to brush my teeth causing Michael to look at me in shock.

"Have you never seen a guy naked?" He asked putting his toothbrush away.

"Course I have." I stated simply while pushing him out of the bathroom. Just as I pushed him out Ashton walked in and I groaned internally. The house is in absolute chaos this morning.  "Have you picked my glasses up?" He asked holding out a pair of glasses identical to mine. It's going to be confusing having the same pair of glasses. "Because these ones aren't mine." I took them from his hand giving him his that were hung from my shirt and he smiled before leaving me alone to finish getting ready. We were finally all ready and all walked together to our english lecture in the atrium. I sat in the back row with two of the boys sat either side of me. I slipped my glasses on before pulling out my notebook to take notes. "Cal." Luke whispered leaning across my body to talk to his friend on the other side of me. I stood up slightly so I could slide across Luke's lap to swap places with him so they could talk easier while I went back to listening to my teacher. He then decided to talk to Michael who was on the other side of me again so I yet again swapped places with him. This happened at least ten times. I'm sure he just liked me sliding my ass against his crotch in all honesty.

We split to go to our other lessons, meeting up for lunch before going to our last classes of the day and then going home. Most days me and Luke got take out but I decided I wanted to cook today. Thankfully the other's liked it and I didn't break anything this time which is an accomplishment in itself for me. "You should cook more often this is delicious." Ash complimented as I put the dishes away making me blush slightly.

"Thanks Ash, maybe I will."

We sat and watched the fault in our stars and all of the boys cried at the film yet I didn't. "You have no heart." Michael said throwing a pillow at my head. I ducked quickly and it missed me hitting Calum in the face. He picked it up and threw it back causing a full pillow fight to break out between us. I just sat on the couch watching the tele dodging the odd pillow that came my way until they all decided to gang up on me. They stood in a line in front of me like a firing squad each holding at least two pillows and they threw them at me all at once. I tried to dodge them, moving to sit on the back of the couch which probably wasn't the smartest move ever. Just as I moved a pillow hit me in the head causing me to fall backwards and onto the floor with a very loud and audible thud as I landed on my back.

I picked up the nearest pillow and waited keeping as quiet as possible. Calum leaned over the back of the couch to see if I was okay and I hit him right in the centre of his forehead with the pillow. "Bulls eye." I screamed jumping up to my feet. They all backed me up against the wall preparing for another attack. "Do you surrender?" Ash giggled.

"Never!" They flung them at me as I tried to dodge them even though it was impossible because they were throwing at least eight at me all at once and I was backed into a corner so I had no where to go. I just picked them up as fast as I could throwing them back. I might be very good at dodging but my aim wasn't as good so there was a few that missed them. I started to move around the boys and out of the corner so I had room to move. Calum picked up a pillow throwing it straight at me. I stepped out of the way slightly and caught it in my hand just centimetres from the lamp.

I quickly looked around trying to find some more pillows to throw. They had stopped concentrating on me now and had gone back to throwing them at each other which I was glad of. I stood myself in a corner of the room snapping pictures of the boys during our pillow fight in the only safe place I could find. Ash then came up to me taking the camera out of my hand and pushing me right back into the centre of the action replacing me as camera man. Luke then went and swapped with him, followed by Michael then eventually Calum. The entire memory card was full of pictures and videos we had taken so I put it back in it's case and enjoyed myself.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now