|the plan|

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Throughout the rest of the day, Zayn was completely oblivious to everything going on around him. He was too consumed by the sheer thought of publicly making Harry his at the concert on Monday.

He couldn't wait, but at the same time, he was extremely nervous.

At lunch they boys finally put their differences aside for the time being and were laughing about some of the signs they'd seen over the course of the tour so far.

Louis: "I died when I read the one about 'we took a chonce'"

They all started chuckling, mostly Niall who seemed to find himself hilarious.

Harry noticed Zayn staring off into space and wondered what exactly he was thinking about.

Harry: "hey cutie, what's going on up there?"

He tapped Zayn's forehead, making him chuckle

Zayn: "anything and everything"

Harry: "but mostly thoughts of me right?"

Zayn: "what else would there be?"

Harry smiled and kissed Zayn's cheek, not noticing the grimace on Liams cheek that he couldn't hide.

The rest of lunch went by pretty quickly, and afterwards the boys were sent back to the hotel for the remainder of the day.

To many, this would seem like a pretty boring day but for these boys it was anything but that.

Their days on a normal basis were packed full of different things pertaining to their careers. They never even had time to sit on the couch for more than 10 minutes at a time...so having been given the rest of the day to simply relax was music to their ears.

Once they'd gotten back, they all decided to part ways for a bit and relax. Giving Harry the perfect opportunity to ask Zayn exactly what he was thinking about at lunch.

They took a deep breath and laid down on the bed, finally getting more than ten minutes to relax and enjoy each other's company.

Harry's head rested on Zayn's chest, and it rose and fell with each breath he took.

Harry: "hey z"

Zayn: "yeah?"

Harry: "what were you thinking so much about at lunch?"

Zayn: "what do you mean baby?"

Harry: "you kept zoning out, like the entire time"

Zayn: "oh, I honestly didn't notice"

Harry: "well, if there's something on your mind, you can tell me-"

He lifted himself onto his elbow so he could make eye contact with Z.

Harry: "-you know that right?"

Zayn: "I tell you everything baby, don't worry"

Harry smile and kissed Zayn's forehead lightly

The next few hours passed as they slept. They caught up on the sleep they'd been craving since the tour started and it felt so good.

But as Zayn woke up, he noticed Harry sleeping and realized that it would be the best time to talk to the boys about Mondays surprise.

He quietly left the room, placing a small kiss on Harry's nose and tiptoed down the hallway to the others' room.

Niall: "Z? What's up?"

Zayn: "I need to talk to you guys about something"

Niall: "sure come in"

He sat down across from the three of them, and he decided to completely disregard Liams feelings for him. He didn't want to make Harry feel like Zayn was choosing, because he wasn't gonna do that.

Zayn: "I don't know how to ease into this, but basically, I'm making me and Harry public at the show on Monday."

Louis: "w-what?!"

Zayn: "I know you probably think I'm too crazy, and that this isn't a good idea but trust me...he needs to know that he's the only one for me, and this is the perfect way"

Niall: "mate, we support you no matter what but didn't Simon say no?"

Zayn: "bro fuck what Simon says, I'm sick of hiding this from the world. I can physically see the hurt in Harry's eyes when people assume I'm with a girl and it breaks my heart."

Liam: "how the fuck do you even plan on doing this?"

Zayn: "I was thinking of grabbing a bouquet of sunflowers right before 'Little Things' and afterwards I'll give them to him and basically announce to the crowd how much I love him."

Niall: "that's actually so sweet Z"

Zayn: "I just wanted you guys to be aware, I didn't want everyone to be caught off guard but please don't say anything"

Louis: "were on you're side, and I hope it all goes well Zayn."

Zayn: "I dunno what I'd do without you guys"

Zayn stood up and made his way back to he and Harry's room, when he got back Harry was still asleep.

Zayn pulled his shirt back off and slid back behind him, pulling him close.

Harry: "I missed you"

Zayn was caught of guard, he didn't think Harry was awake.

Zayn: "sorry"

Harry: "you weren't fucking Liam were you?"

Zayn pulled away from Harry and glared down at him

Zayn: "that wasn't funny and you know it"

Harry: "mkay I'm sorry, but where'd you go? I got lonely?"

Zayn: "not lonely enough cause you were asleep"

Harry chuckled and lifted his head to kiss Zayn, which was returned instantly.

Zayn: "no but, I was just chatting with the lads cause I was awake and you weren't"

Harry mumbled an okay before he closed his eyes again and snuggled back up to Zayn

Zayn: "babe don't go back to sleep please"

Harry: "I'm tired"

Zayn: "and I'm horny"

Harry laughed

Harry: "really? right now?"

Zayn: "mhm"

Harry: "ugh"

Zayn: "it's fine, never mind, I'll just go fix myself in the bathroom"

Harry pulled Zayns hand and he fell back onto the bed

Harry: "are we going all the way? or just a blow?"

Zayn: "I just wanna come so whatever"

Harry stood up from the bed and went over to his bag.

Zayn: "what're you doing baby?"

Harry didn't respond and walked back over to the bed with a pair of handcuffs.

He started linking Zayn's hands above his head and attached them to the headboard.

Harry: "I've been waiting to use these"

Zayn gasped

Zayn: "no, this is not what I meant."

Harry: "you're gonna come...just...hands free"

Zayn smirked but looked worried at the same time, so Harry crawled up into his lap and took his face into his hands.

Harry: "if you really don't wanna try Z, we don't have to babe. I just thought it would be different. And if it's ever too much you can tell me, you know that right? And I'll untie you"

Zayn: "god you're the sweetest human on this earth you know that?"

Harry: "I just care about you, and I don't want you to worry"

Zayn: "I'm not babe, work your magic"

Harry smiled and their lips met in a solid kiss that only lasted a few minutes.

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