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Louis: "hello?"

Harry: "I'm up and I'm ready whenever you wanna come"

Louis: "sure sweet, I'll be there in ten minutes"

Harry: "mkay"

Harry put his phone down on the sink before burying his face in his hands. How in the world was he gonna keep this act alive?

He wanted Zayn all the time, but he was supposed to want Louis. Harry dreaded the day that him and Louis made love because he knew it was coming.

If he told Louis he wasn't ready he'd suspect something, so he'd have to go along with it.

In the middle of Harry's overthinking fit, Louis walked in.

Louis: "hey handsome, you seem down"

Harry: "no I'm just a little tired, but my coffee should wake me up so no worries"

Louis puckered his lips toward Harry, wanting a kiss so Harry unwillingly placed his lips on Louis.

Louis: "wanna fool around a little before we go?"

Harry didn't know what to say, this was the most uncomfortable he'd felt in awhile. So uncomfortable he could cry.

Harry: "'maybe later, we've gotta get to rehearsals"

Louis: "sure, I was thinking about going on a triple date"

Harry: "with zayn and Liam, but who would the third couple be?"

Louis: "Niall and his new girlfriend Bella"

Harry: "oh sure"

Louis: "okay good, dinner and a movie sound good?"

Harry nodded, knowing he'd have to find some way to interact with Zayn during this date or he'd die. But at least he'd be in the same general vicinity.

They made their way to the studio where they rehearsed to find the rest of the boys already chilling around with Julian and Paul.

Julian: "hey lads, come on in"

Zayn could tell that Harry felt guilty and uncomfortable about something. He looked pale and uncertain, almost like he could cry...or throw up.

Paul: "Harry you look sick mate"

Harry: "yeah is there a bathroom close?"

Paul: "two doors down on the left"

Harry: "I'll be right back"

They let him escape to the bathroom. Once he got in there he was too overwhelmed to cope any longer and he puked in the toilet.

Tears followed and he sat on the bathroom floor contemplating if he could do this.

Zayn: "hey I'm gonna go grab a few bottles of water from the kitchen down the hall...anyone need one"

Niall: "just bring a few back"

Zayn nodded and rushed down the hall, and instead of heading to the kitchen he met Harry in the bathroom.

Zayn: "haz, it's me"

Harry pushed the stall door open so Zayn knew where he was and Zayn found him sitting over the toilet looking extremely sick.

Zayn: "are you coming down with something or?"

Harry: "no, I get sick when I'm overwhelmed"

Zayn sat beside him.

Zayn: "why are you overwhelmed?"

Harry: "Louis asked me to fool around before we came here and I told him maybe later...and I don't want to Z. I wanna vomit every time I think about it. It makes me so uncomfortable."

Harry sobbed, holding down the vile liquid that wanted to spurt out of him.

Zayn rubbed soothing circles on his back.

Zayn: "this is what I do...just act like it's me. Pretend they're my lips that your kissing. Pretend it's me you're cuddling with. Just pretend."

Harry: "you do that?"

Zayn: "it's how I can stand being intimate with Liam...I just pretend I'm making out with you or falling asleep with you. It helps."

Harry nodded

Harry: "it's not the same though"

Zayn: "well no, it's not gonna be...but I'm gonna try to make it easier okay?"

Harry: "it's fine, I got myself in this mess and now I have to deal with it"

Zayn: "all of us are in a pretty big mess babe, but we'll make it out...and we're all gonna be fine. Plus, you're gonna have me through all of it."

Harry wiped his mouth with a damp paper towel that Zayn handed him and let their lips collide quickly.

Zayn: "I've gotta get water for the lads because that's where I said I was going...so stay in here for another couple of minutes"

Harry: "secrets secrets"

Zayn: "it's a way of life now Styles"

Harry smiled and kissed Zayn one more time.

Harry: "Louis lips don't feel like yours though"

Zayn: "just pretend...remember?"

Harry nodded and Zayn left to fetch a bunch of water as quickly as he could.

When he got back they were all confused as to why he took so long.

Liam: "that took ages babe"

Zayn: "sorry I got lost...literally"

Julian: "it's right down the hall"

Zayn: "yeah and I thought it was further so I walked passed it for like 5 minutes until I had to turn around"

Niall: "sounds like something I'd do"

They all laughed

A few more minutes passed and Harry walked out with a tad bit more life in his face.

Louis: "you okay love?"

Harry: "yeah just a little bug I think, but I'm okay. I guess I just need to keep my distance so I don't get anyone else sick"

Zayn smiled because that meant Harry just got himself out of hanging with Louis for the night.

Louis: "were calling out sick for the triple date tonight Liam."

Liam: "it's all good, we can just reschedule!"

Harry: "thanks lads, I'm really sorry"

Julian: "go home and get some rest after rehearsals yeah?"

Harry nodded and turned his attention to Zayn who was smiling brightly because he just cleared the night for them.

Rehearsals took about 3 hours, and afterwards Louis kissed Harry's head and sent him home to rest.

Zayn went back to his flat at first, just so he didn't raise suspicion and he called Harry in the car.

Zayn: "looks like you cleared the night up for us didn't you?"

Harry: "looks that way huh?"

Zayn: "when do you want me over?"

Harry: "7 sound okay?"

Zayn: "sounds perfect. I'm gonna hang out with Liam for a few hours so he doesn't question me okay?"

Harry: "mkay"

Zayn: "I'll save my dick for someone special though"

Harry: "mmm I cant wait"

Zayn: "I'll see you soon bug"

Harry: "okay"

Zayn smiled out of the call and drove the rest of the way to his flat with Liam on his tail.

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