|dont leave|

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When Zayn got to Louis house he walked in without knocking. He found the boys sprawled out on the couch with popcorn, candy, and beer waiting for him to start the movie.

Zayn: "hey, sorry I'm late"

Liam held out his arm for Zayn to cuddle close to him, and even thought it felt wrong he did it anyway.

Louis: "all good mate, we're gonna watch "The Notebook"

Zayn smiled as if he agreed but all he thought about was how much Harry would enjoy this.

The Notebook was his all time favorite movie and he wished they could cuddle up and watch it together...but he was in Liams arms instead.

Niall: "have you lads talked to Harry?"

Louis: "his mum picked him up earlier, he's spending the night with her"

Niall: "oh that's lovely"

Louis: "yeah but now I don't have my cuddle bug"

Zayn squinted his eyes, hating every word that just fell from Louis mouth but keeping in his passion as best as he could but Liam sensed his tension.

Liam: "you okay z?"

Zayn: "yeah I am, sorry"

Liam: "you must just be cold"

Zayn: "maybe"

Liam cuddled Zayn closer and all he could picture was Harry's tear stained face if he witnessed this. In some aspects, he was thankful he decided not to come because he didn't think he'd be able to see Harry cuddled up in Louis arms either.

When Zayn grew antsy he fled to the bathroom in need of Harry's voice.

Harry: "hello?"

Zayn: "I miss your voice"

Harry: "come home then"

Zayn: "it's only been an hour bug, I'll be home soon"

Harry: "it's eleven z...when are you coming back?"

Zayn: "I dunno, but you won't be asleep without me okay?"

Harry: "mhm, I miss you"

Zayn: "I miss you too"

Harry: "can't wait for you to hold me"

Zayn: "soon I promise"

Harry: "mkay, bye"

Zayn: "bye baby"

Zayn sighed, wishing he could be with Harry right now. But he couldn't leave yet, not until the movie was over at least.

A few hours passed and the movie ended. It was 1 am and Zayn knew Harry was gonna be getting sleepy.

Zayn: "hey lads I'm beat, I'm gonna head home"

Liam: "wait Z"

Liam rushed to the door and stopped Zayn from leaving.

Liam: "wanna come home with me love?"

Zayn: "Im not feeling too well so I'm gonna go home and have a bath if that's okay?"

Liam: "sure babe, kiss?"

Zayn reluctantly pressed his lips to Liams and retracted then back as quickly as he could. Not wanting anyone's taste on his lips but Harry's.

He sped off to Harry's house, not wanting him to be too upset that he took too long.

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