|be mine|

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While Liam was calming down, Harry came out of the bathroom with swollen red eyes. Proving to Zayn, and the rest of the boy's that he'd also been crying.

Zayn looked concerned, and waved Harry to come sit next to him.

Zayn: "why were you crying babe?"

Harry: "cause I'm done being trash talked and put down because you love me. It hurts me, as much as I wanna pretend like it doesn't, it does."

Zayn grabbed Harry's hand and linked their fingers

Zayn: "I know, I love you and you're so strong yeah?"

Harry: "if only"

Zayn kissed Harry's blushed cheek and focused his attention back on Liam.

Niall: "Liam, are you ready to talk about this?"

Liam: "what's there to talk about? I mean, I got it all out. You know it all now. Is that what you wanted?"

Zayn: "Li, we need to figure this out as a team because otherwise, this'll never get better."

Liam: "okay, go on, ask me anything"

Louis: "do you feel like you'll be able to move past what you have for Zayn?"

Liam: "I dunno, I thought I did once he cheated on me...but I guess I didn't. So maybe"

Zayn: "Listen, I really am sorry that you feel that way. We both are. But that doesn't justify the crude comments you were making at Harry because those hurt him."

Liam: "I understand that Zayn, but honestly that's just how I learned how to cope with someone getting what I want instead of me."

Zayn took a deep breath and glanced over to Harry who seemed to be calming down enough to think about the conversation as a whole, rather than just about himself.

Louis: "I think it's only valid to ask how Harry feels in this situation because I don't really believe that it's fair to disregard his emotions through all of this lads."

Harry glanced up, not expecting to be put on the spot like that, but at the same time, he was glad that he was finally getting a chance to voice how he felt through all of this.

He directed his attention to Liam, looking him straight in the eyes.

Harry: "You're supposed to be one of my best friends Liam, and have my back no matter what happens but in this scenario its the complete opposite. I understand that other people are gonna have eyes for my boyfriend, I'm sure of it, but in the same sense, you shouldn't tear me down and scream at me for being in love with him."

Liam: "I uh...I dunno what to say. I want to be able to put all of this behind me Harry because I do care about both of you but, in my position its absolutely heartbreaking seeing the person you've craved to be with forever, loving one of your best mates instead. My heart breaks every time he grabs your hand, kisses you, or even looks at you for fucks sake. And I don't want it to be that way, but it is, and I can't help it."

Niall: "I know this isn't my issue to deal with, but would you mind if I chipped in?"

Liam: "I need all the help I can get at this point."

Niall glanced sympathetically at Liam, because although he shouldn't be interfering with Zayn and Harry's relationship, he did have a right to his feelings.

Niall: "I don't think we understand how you feel Liam because we aren't going through it. So as much as we wanna sit here and tell you to move on and forget about it, that's not how you view it, and I understand that much. But I do think that you need to lay off Harry, and let him live as well. Harry can't help that he loves Zayn, and he definitely can't help the fact that Zayn loves him...as much as you don't wanna hear it yeah?"

Zayn: "and Liam, just because this happened doesn't mean that you're not still one of the best mates I've ever had. I love you man, and I know that this sucks but, I'm not gonna break Harry's heart because yours hurts a little. I'm always here to talk about it, it doesn't have to be weird okay?"

Liam nodded, but inside his head he knew it would be a hassle to be able to talk to Z alone without Harry questioning his every move.

Louis: "Is everyone alright?"

They all nodded except for Harry who sat staring at the blank wall in front of him.

Louis: "Haz?"

Harry's eyes moved toward the group, a watery haze covering the once bright green circles.

Harry: "I'm great"

He got up and threw a shirt on before walking out onto the balcony and shutting the door with a bang. He clearly wasn't fine, and he had every right to be upset.

Zayn: "I'm gonna go check on him, I'll meet you guys at lunch in a few hours yeah?"

Niall: "sure"

once they left, Zayn made his way outside and placed a soothing hand on harry's back.

Zayn: "babe, I know it's hard but trust me, it's gonna work out"

Harry: "we just tried to talk it out Zayn, but he's so infatuated with you and it's annoying. Why can't he just get over it?!"

Zayn: "because when you like someone it's hard to watch them fall in love with someone else. Sure, he voiced his opinion at the wrong time, and he shouldn't have taken it out on you but, he has a right to his feelings baby."

Harry sighed and wiped a few tears that were left trailing down his face.

Harry: "but you're supposed to be mine"

Zayn: "I am yours, what're you talking about?!"

Harry: "I screwed up Z, everything he said was right. A-and I wouldn't be surprised if you l-left me to...to be with him but, you're s-till here. Why?!"

Zayn: "because I trust in the fact that you didn't want that kiss, and that you did nothing to initiate it. I trust you, and that's why I'm still here. I'm not gonna leave you, I can promise you that. I love you too much babe, seriously."

Harry took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.

Harry: "so much for a good weekend"

Zayn: "we've still got time"

Zayn winked at Harry before he cupped his cheeks and brought their lips together in a sensual kiss that made them both smile out of it.

Zayn: "now go get ready for lunch sexy"

Zayn smacked Harry's bum as he walked back into the suite and proceeded to get ready for the rest of the day.

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