|with you|

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Zayn: "what'd you wanna talk about?"

Harry: "about an hour ago, I uh...I had a talk with Louis and Liam"

Zayn: "okay and?"

Harry: "I told them that I couldn't do it"

Zayn: "do what?"

Harry: "pretend that I don't have feelings for you Z, I can't hide it anymore...one minute I'm making out with you and the next minute we can't even have a conversation without some awkward silence. I need you."

Zayn was taken back, he didn't expect Harry's sudden change of stance.

Zayn: "okay...calm down, let's talk like civil people yeah?"

Zayn chuckled

Harry: "I wanna touch every ounce of your body, I wanna kiss it, I wanna hug it, I want it on top of me...I can't stand it anymore. It's been a day and I can't fucking take it!"

Zayn: "5 minutes ago you didn't even want me to call you babe, and now you want me to kiss you?"

Harry: "Zayn, I've wanted to kiss you all day...but I was trying to put Louis and Liam first. I wanted to fix things with them, but I can't stand being apart from you."

Zayn: "Are you sure this is what you want? I can't do this back and forth thing Harry."

Harry: "I promise, my heart shattered when I had to tell you that. I thought it would be easier than it was. You mean everything to me."

Zayn: "the feeling is definitely mutual..."

Harry smiled, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks.

Zayn: "how did the lads react then?"

Harry: "okay I guess, they said they want us happy even if what we did was messed up."

Zayn: "thats really sweet of them actually"

Harry: "mhm...but you know what would be sweeter?"

Zayn: "hmm?"

Harry: "if you put those lips on mine"

Zayn: "oh yeah?"

Harry: "please"

Zayn pressed himself against the headboard of the bed and pulled Harry on top of him to straddle his waist.

Almost immediately their lips collided in a kiss full of passion.

The only time they broke apart was for air.

When their make out session was finished, Harry leaned forward as Zayn wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

Zayn: "I missed my bug"

Harry: "and I missed you too"

Zayn: "I'm glad you didn't keep me waiting"

Harry: "I couldn't...at all."

Their hug lasted a few minutes, both of them too attached to let go.

Harry: "I know that all I do is apologize, and it doesn't always work...but I really am sorry Z. I thought that this would help, I thought I'd be able to handle myself around you without wanting to get in your pants...but I couldn't."

Zayn chuckled

Harry: "what's funny about that?"

Zayn: "you could've said something else besides 'getting in your pants'...it was just funny"

Harry giggled lifting out of their hug and keeping his eyes fixated on Zayn's.

Harry: "I mean it though...all jokes aside"

Zayn firmly gripped Harry's sides

Zayn: "I know you do, and the way I blew up earlier was uncalled for. I shouldn't have made a scene like that and I'm sorry too."

Harry: "you know you mean the world to me yeah?"

Zayn: "I'd like to think so"

Harry: "good, cause you do. I don't ever wanna lose you Z."

Zayn: "you're not gonna lose me, sure this shit is gonna be hard to navigate...especially because of my families beliefs, but I promise you that I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that you have me."

Silence followed Zayn's statement. Harry started thinking about all of the possibilities that could potentially keep them apart.

Harry: "you...you don't actually have feelings for Liam right?"

Zayn: "no Harry, why would I?"

Harry: "I just worry...I dunno."

Zayn: "did he say something to make you worry?"

Harry: "he said that he still has some feelings for you, it just makes me a little jealous sometimes"

Zayn: "you have no reason to be jealous, I'm so completely invested in you. You're literally the only person I have eyes for...I mean it."

Harry: "mkay"

Zayn: "do you have feelings for Louis?"

Harry: "no, he's not my type really"

Zayn: "what is your type then?"

Harry: "hmm let's see, dark hair, golden brown eyes...almost like honey in the sunlight...the most breathtaking smile, I tend to get lost in it at times. Not to mention, a beautiful body. And I can't forget the cheekbones. I'm a sucker for cheekbones."

Zayn smiled with his tongue peeking through his teeth.

Zayn: "sounds okay"

Harry: "how about you, what's your type?"

Zayn: "tall, curly lads, with beautiful green eyes. The dumbest tattoos that I love to trace with my finger, and my favorite part is the big smile with the dimples that come along with it."

Harry smiled that big smile, blushing at the same time.

Harry slid off of Zayn's lap and lifted his arms out for a hug.

Zayn: "where are you going?"

Harry: "I'm tired Z, I should probably get to bed"

Zayn: "yeah you really should, so take off that shirt and come here"

Harry smiled

Harry: "all of my shit is in my room"

Zayn: "you act like you sleep with clothes on"

Harry: "I don't, but I need clothes for tomorrow"

Zayn: "you can wear some of mine Harry, don't leave"

Harry sighed, even though he'd hoped Zayn would've asked him to stay.

Harry: "god you're so hard to say no to."

Zayn: "good, and it's so hard to watch you leave...so don't"

Harry smiled and threw his shirt over his torso, exposing it.

Zayn: "mmmm that's mine, bring it here"

Harry chuckled and walked over to Zayn who was still laying in the bed. He grabbed Harry's bare hips and pulled him in, kissing up his stomach and leaving a hickey on his hip bone.

Harry gasped at the sensation and bit back a moan.

Harry: "stop it"

Zayn: "you know it felt damn good"

Harry: "it did, but I just wanna cuddle"

Zayn: "come here baby"

Harry went to hop in bed but stopped and smiled.

Harry: "you called me baby again"

Zayn: "that's what you are, is it not?"

Harry: "you just haven't said it all night"

Zayn: "well I just did"

Harry leaned down and pressed a firm kiss to Zayn's lips before cuddling up to his side and closing his eyes to fall asleep where he wanted to be.

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