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When they walked back into the room, all of the boy's directed their attention to them.

Liam: "what'd Paul want that took you forever?"

Zayn rolled his eyes and sat next to Liam

Zayn: "he wanted to talk to us about some news that was put out, but I also took a smoke break so we went exploring outside"

Liam: "you didn't call?"

Zayn was annoyed by that comment

Zayn: "why do I have to?"

Liam: "I just thought...never mind"

Zayn: "this is what I can't stand about relationships Liam, I always have to tell someone where I'm at or what I'm doing...I'm my own person."

Liam: "I get it, I'm sorry"

Zayn sighed and leaned back against the couch because not only did he piss Liam off, he probably made Harry question the way he's been acting too.

Zayn: "I think it's just time we all head to bed anyways"

Louis, Niall, and Harry all stood up to make their way out of the room when Zayn shot Harry an apologetic glance.

After what he'd said to Liam, Harry started to question if this would work between him and Zayn.

Harry was clingy and the jealous type, and he knew that he found himself asking Zayn what happened with Liam and where he's been but...that's just how he is.

They all evacuated to their own rooms and got ready for bed. Harry showered, ate a midnight snack, and brushed his teeth before bed, not bothering to check his phone.

When he laid back in bed and finally pulled his phone out, he had 7 missed texts from the same person.

Zayn: "hey"

Zayn: "babe"

Zayn: "are you upset about what I said?"

Zayn: "that wasn't directed towards you bug"

Zayn: "please respond"

Zayn: "bubby"

Zayn: "I'm sorry, I love when you ask me where I've been and what I'm doing...I just can't stand when Liam does it."

Before Harry could text back there was a knock at their door.

Harry: "I'll get it"

Louis and Niall nodded

When he opened the door Zayn was standing there. He looked worried and scared. Harry slipped out the door and shut it behind him.

Zayn: "I didn't mean that towards you, I promise"

Harry chuckled

Harry: "I wasn't ignoring you babe, I was showering and getting ready for bed so I didn't check my phone."

Zayn let out a breath of relief.

Zayn: "for fucks sake"

Harry laughed and kissed Zayn on the cheek, being careful of who could be listening or watching them.

Harry: "but what you said was a little dodgy"

Zayn: "I know but I can't stand when Liam questions me or wants me to call him 24/7."

Harry: "now I'm scared you'll get upset when I do it"

Zayn: "no bug, I love when you do it because I love you . I don't love him the same way, so him questioning every little thing I do pisses me off."

Harry: "well, I love you too"

Zayn smiled and placed a kiss on Harry's lips that lasted longer than it should've.

Harry pulled away

Harry: "were right outside the room Z"

Zayn: "then come with me, I'm horny"

Harry: "I can't babe, not tonight"

Zayn: "we finally told each other that we loved each other though...."

Harry: "I know bub, but they don't even know you're the one who came to the door."

Zayn: "come make love to me baby please"

Harry sighed

Harry: "does Liam know where you went?"

Zayn: "he's asleep"

Harry: "okay let me make something up and I'll be right out yeah?"

Zayn smiled

Harry: "what's funny?"

Zayn: "I always get my way"

Harry blushed and slipped back into the room to find Louis in the shower and Niall in the bed.

Harry: "Niall come here"

He shuffled over to Harry

Harry: "I need you to tell Louis that...that I'm going out for a couple of drinks with the crew. I'll be back in about an hour or so."

Niall: "Harry this is wrong"

Harry: "I know I jus- Just please"

Niall: "I'm not doing this for very much longer"

Harry: "I know, thank you"

Niall: "don't forget the condom and lube"

Harry: "shit you're right"

Although Niall knew it was fucked up, he was always there for Harry.

He shoved the necessities in his jacket pocket and slid back out the door to be with Zayn.

Harry: "and where do you plan on making love to me sir?"

Zayn: "same place I told you I loved you"

Harry's eyes opened wide

Harry: "that's a public roof terrace and it's out in the open! no fucking way"

Zayn: "it's midnight babe, nobody's up there"

Harry rolled his eyes, contemplating if he should go through with it or not...his head said no but the throbbing length inside of his pants said yes.

Zayn: "please"

Harry: "fine but we can't be too loud"

Zayn kissed Harry lightly on the lips before fetching his hand and walking him back up to the roof.

Harry: "this place really is beautiful, I'm surprised nobody knows about it"

Zayn: "the front desk lady helped me plan out where to tell you I loved you, and she said one person, maybe two every month find out about this."

Harry: "that's actually crazy"

Zayn: "you know what would be even crazier?"

Harry: "hmm?"

Zayn: "if you stopped talking and let me make you come."

Harry blushed

Zayn pushed him back onto the brown couch that sat along the edge and he laid on top of him, their bulges causing friction.

Zayn: "holy shit you're huge"

Harry: "so are you baby"

Their lips met in a steamy kiss that was hotter than ever before. Their tongues mingled together as their crotches moved against each other for minimal friction.

Harry: "mmm it hurts babe"

Zayn took that as a sign to get it out so he dropped down beside the couch and pulled Harry's hard member from the sweats he was wearing.

Harry: "babe wait"

Zayn looked up confused

Harry: "I uh...just wanna say that I love you."

Zayn brought his attention back up to Harry's lips and left a lingering kiss on them.

Zayn: "quit being so nervous, I love you too"

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