Chapter 7: Stranger

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Blue sighed as he wrote one more tally on the wall with a sharp stone, sitting criss-cross on the cold floor of the dungeon. He couldn't believe it was three days already, and the only reason how he managed to count was how often Dust would come to give him three meals of food. It was gross as well, the food he'd get to eat in the morning was cold porridge, and for lunch, he'd get some sliced apples that would barely suit his satisfaction and finally for dinner, he'd get dried up peas and very limited water source. And the fact that Blue had to eat this every day now made him sick. Sitting down for hours made Blue contemplate, fighting his inner self that he WILL get saved and finally be let out while his inner self was trying to think realistically.

It had to be lunch now, soon enough he'd receive his plate full of apple slices from Dust anytime soon. It only made Blue disappointed, trying to believe that at least the people inside of the moon empire had a heart at least, it was getting harder and harder to believe each hour.

Distant steps were heard, each step slow but steady, at this point, Blue even memorized how many steps there were on the stairs, it was that bad. Well, it signified that Dust was here for his daily lunch. But there was something different, instead of the apple slices it was replaced with oranges! Finally, something different. Dust made his way over to the cell, bending down on one knee to slide the plate of oranges under the bars to reach to Blue. The smaller other sighed as he dragged the plate off the ground to just place the plate on his lap, clearly looking unhappy and kinda helpless, carefully peeling the orange and segregating each piece and plopping it into his mouth individually.

Dust noticed Blue's sudden misery, ever since the last two days he's been trying to interact with him which was really annoying in some way and suddenly Blue went quiet.

"You finally burned out, huh?"

The skeleton with the hoodie smirked, shoving his hands into his pockets. Normally he'd just leave right away to escape Blue's desperation for communication but this was amusing to watch, Blue being miserable. The smaller one flashed a look at the taller, still eating the orange pieces but slightly scrunching up his nose because the taste was rather sour, it must not be ripe yet.

"I thought you didn't want to talk."

"Oh, now you're throwing a tantrum?"

Dust chuckled at Blue's cute and sad attempt for sass, but as for Blue, he wasn't having it.

"If you're just here to laugh at me, please leave..."

He curled up defensively, feeling hurt by the fact he was in his breaking point. And he couldn't stress it enough but Blue really wanted to go back home. With his throbbing black eye, it definitely wasn't going to heal anytime soon but infected instead, that was just Error's fault.

"Laugh at you? Oh, puh-lease."

Dust scoffed and spat on the ground, crossing his arms as his back leaned onto the bars of Blue's cell.

"If you want to talk, then this is your chance to talk. I'll give you..."

He paused before thinking of a valid answer.

"5 minutes, and counting."

"Is this a joke?"

Blue replied back, still slightly upset with Dust's stupid behaviour.

"4 minutes and 57 seconds."

That's when he thought of a topic, wanting to ask him about something important that he'd been wondering for the last two days.

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