Chapter 5: Rogues

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Geno mumbled as he rubbed his shoulder while staring into the crackling fire in front of him.
He'd been trying his best to survive, he'd been living like this for a years now, thought it felt like forever.
Geno stretched and scratched the back of his head.
His current sitting position was uncomfortable since he was sitting on some kind of demented stone.
His wrists were wrapped in worn out bandages, it looked very dirty, yet helpful to him.
Geno closed his eyes and started to hum a tune that he randomly made up.
He sighed and stood up to go walk. It was day so it wasn't that dangerous in the forest.

Geno had been walking alone.
Nothing but a good old daily walk.
Geno had lived alone, he preferred to stay that way.
It was better than being bossed around.
Geno had always been a loner, ever since his parents died and brother too.
He knew about life skills which kept him alive.
Geno stopped to think, on the hillside stood a steep slope.
He had never bothered to cross it, he always believed that it was dangerous, just like what his parents said to him when he was still such a young child.
He was curious, everyday he would encounter it, wondering what's on the other side.
And then remembering his parent's voices.
It just made him confused, was it temptation or fate?
He walked to the slope and looked down.
His face lit up in awe.
Geno was staring at a beautiful view of a bright, golden and white palace on the left view, there seemed to be some kind of festival or event going on because he spotted a hot air balloon flying by.
On the right side, stood a dark eerie palace with not many things going on.
He squinted, he swore he saw guards standing in front of the entrance of the Empire.
Geno sighed and sat down in front of the view.
"Why couldn't I have went here sooner?"
He thought to himself, his 'brow' furrowed as he tried to think of possibilities if he visited.
"I can't."
Geno shook his head at his random thought, he was unsure of his decision.
He laid his hand onto the wound on his chest, it was a dark red slash that still hasn't healed.
"What if."
He repeated inside his head, his bipolar personality fighting back each other.
One was temptation to visit one of them, and one was to stay.
Though, staying was a better option for him.
He looked at the view once more in front of him.
It was way too gorgeous.
But, like I said.
He preferred to stay alone.

Ink had been panicking for the past day, he had been a lot more paranoid now.
Well, he wouldn't beat Dream for being paranoid but it was just like that situation.
Ink was stressed out, he would do anything to see his best friend again.
"What if they just ran away? What if they are dead?"
Unbearable thoughts swarmed in his head.
Ink cursed under his breath as he mourned for his best friend.
"He can't be dead."
Ink's eyes welled up with tears, he sniffed and coughed, he never bothered to wipe his tears away.
Ink always saw Blue as a family member, it felt like he lost his little brother.
He tried to not think about Negative things, after living with Dream, you'll start to become a better character and change.
"He's not dead. Don't say that."
Ink scolded himself as he lost focus as he clenched his hand, trying to be tough.
He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped away the tears.
"He could be anywhere. You just gotta keep looking."
Ink was a lot more determined, he realized he was talking to himself and fell silent.
Ink facepalmed and sat back down onto his bed.
"Ughh... I'm crazy, aren't I?"
He opened his mouth to answer himself but then he thought it'd be weird.
He then changed the topic, he thought of all the possibilities of where Blue could be.
All of his favourite places to go, where he would most likely go, where he could get lost in, and where he could be found.
Ink suddenly had an idea, he suspected it was the Empire of the Moon who took him, or he wandered over there and didn't know how to come back.
It would make sense because their Empires were far apart from each other.
Ink got up and slammed open the doors, he was too focused on finding Blue, it changed his attitude.
His eye-lights swirled into different colours, Ink was feeling mixtures of emotions that confused him.
When Ink had finally made it outside, he started out on a short hunt to find Blue.
He headed for the Empire, he expected that Blue might've just gotten lost, though he didn't think about getting some backup.
Ink could've just ordered the guards to go find them, but he didn't find them reliable.
They couldn't even keep an eye on Blue! They had one job and failed at it.
So Ink thought he should do it himself.
Half of the time, he thought it was a dumb idea, but he also thought it was a brave thing to do.
The thing is, he didn't tell ANYONE he was leaving, even if he was leaving for a few days.
He forgot to tell Dream, he might think he had gone missing too!
He went there anyways without any hesitation.
The villagers never seemed to question him as he walked towards the Gates.
It was strange how none of the guards were guarding the front, they were probably on break.
He stared into the distance, he was ready for the search.

Blue had written down tally marks onto the wall with a sharp stone of the prison cell.
Even if it was two days, it felt like hell to him.
He never liked it, it was too dark and you can barely see anything!
The worst part is that there was no one else in the prison, just him.
He felt so lonely.
The darkness made him felt scared and alone, it sent shivers up his spine.
Blue let out a deep sigh, he sat on an uncomfortable position on the floor, the only light he could see was a tiny peephole that looked like a window.
A faint streak of sunlight was able to go through, but it was too high up.
All he had ever been doing is waiting for Dust to come back, maybe trying to talk them out of prison.
But he noticed that Dust was too stubborn to speak to him, it made him frustrated.
Why couldn't anyone else come down here?
It was cold down in the dungeon, his breathing was steady, but the air was cold.
The only thing he had was a straw blanket and a flat feather pillow. Sounds comfortable, right?
Blue whimpered as he hugged himself, closing his eyes while he hoped someone could get him out soon.
He had no idea why he got kidnapped, which made him wonder.
Maybe they want me to join them!
He thought, but yet refusing to let that happen.
Blue sighed but he never lost any hope.
He couldn't really tell of it was evening or morning, the light was faint.
Blue thought about his friends, Ink and Dream.
He thought about what might they been thinking.
He probably got lost or something.
It echoed through his head, it seemed to haunt him.
The darkness started to take over again, and in a blink of an eye, he passed out.

[I'm SO sorry for not writing this longer, now as you can see, I have been on Hiatus due to school and other reasons. I apologize for the wait and I promise the NEXT chapter will be a lot longer than this, of it isn't, you can beat me with a stick. :')

-Sinceta ]

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