Part 14

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I woke up early today so I got dressed real quick and went outside, because my parents were still asleep and I was bored so I decided to do some running, I put some music on and went running for about an hour.

I texted my parents telling I was running so they don't get worried.

After the run I head back home and texted Bryce but he didn't reply to me. I called him a bunch of times but still no answer. It's still 9:00 am so maybe he is still asleep. Bryce wakes up pretty late, I put my phone down and had a shower.

(2 hours later.)
I was worried about Bryce, he still hasn't texted back and I'm scared, I talked to mom and she said she talked to him when I was running.

"Mom what was he doing?" I ask her relived he's okay.

"I don't know honey." She tells me.

"Okay mom." I run out of my house and walk to his.

I knocked like 3 times but no one. I knocked again and Bryce's mom opened.

"Hey Li" I tell her as she opens the door.

"Hey Syd." She tells me with a weak smile on her face.

"Where is Bryce?" I ask anxiously.

"Oh honey, he went back to L.A very early today." She tells me as her smile fades away.

I'm breathless, and my hearts racing. Why? Why does this keep happening to me? All these thoughts cross my mind. I tear up and my anxiety rises.

I turn around leaving Bryce's mom, I was full of anger. I was not thinking. I'm going to L.A. and I'm going to talk to him, confront him.

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