Chapter 40: Markhyuck

Start from the beginning


Kangmi looked at both of them. "I don't want Donghyuck to be alone at the dorm so Mark you will stay with him, understood?"

Mark looked at her and nodded since he knew that it was just Kangmi helping him out. Not to mention, things would soon change because Mark couldn't stand not talking to Donghyuck. Donghyuck, however, wanted to kill Kangmi because he was trying to avoid being alone with the older.

For the next few days, they both kept their word. They didn't fight and enjoyed their time with a baby Jun. They even slept together with baby jun since they wanted to spend as much time with the toddler. Both had forgotten about their fight as most of their time they were focused not the toddler. The one who was keeping them sane. What would they do without him?

Friday morning, they were the second ones to arrive. Donghyuck was holding tight to baby jun, not wanting him to leave, while Kangmi watched them with a sad smile. Mark and Donghyuck tried to make the most of their last minutes with the toddler. They tickled and made him laugh endlessly.

The time passed and it was soon time for baby Jun to leave. Mark gave Kangmi the toddler's suitcase and toy, while the little boy held on to his sunflower plushie and the bracelet Mark gifted him. However, It was time to say goodbye.

"time to say goodbye", Donghyuck said with a sad smile. He never knew he would get this attached to the toddler.

Mark and Donghyuck kneeled to his level and baby jun gave them a hug. "baby jun will miss Hyuck hyung and Markie hyung"

"we will miss you too" Mark responded with a soft smile.

Kangmi looked at them with a smile and motioned that baby jun had to leave. Donghyuck gave baby jun one more hug, and Mark did the same but included Donghyuck in it.

"don't forget about us and be good to dad, okay?" Mark told the toddler to which he received a nod as a response.

"take care of your plushie, okay?", Donghyuck said with tears.

Baby Jun nodded and before they knew it the toddler was gone. Now that he was gone...what's going to happen to them?

TUESDAY(second week)

Donghyuck was chilling in his room at the dorms when suddenly someone barged in. "I don't understand why you had to come back to the dorm?" Ten complained as he closed the door to the bedroom.

Donghyuck stopped what he was doing and looked at Ten. "what are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you, young man", Ten said. He sat down on Donghyuck's bed and made the younger one sit next to him. "so what's going on between you and Mark?"

"a lot", Donghyuck responded, "by the way, how did you get in?"

"Mark let me in as he left" Ten answered and then patted Donghyuck's shoulder comfortably. "want to tell me about it?"

Donghyuck sighed and told him everything because he was tired of just bottling inside, while Ten just listened and did his best to comfort the younger. "I miss him", Donghyuck whispered as he cried on Ten's embrace.

Ten caressed the younger hair and sighed. "hyuck, you need to talk to him"

Donghyuck looked at Ten with red puffy eyes. "thank you" He murmured as Ten cleaned his tears.

FRIDAY(second week)

Donghyuck sat next to Renjun on the comfortable couch of the dorms. Renjun had actually come to visit Donghyuck because he missed his best friend. Well not really, it was part of the plan but he did kinda miss having Donghyuck around.

"you look awful" Renjun commented as he took in Donghyuck's appearance.

"geez thanks" Donghyuck responded sarcastically.

Renjun smiled teasingly. "you're welcome"

Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "what are you doing here?"

"I came to visit you. by the way, have you gotten any fresh air?" Renjun asked worriedly and Donghyuck shook his head.

"then how about we go to the park because you look like such a mess", Renjun said as a matter-of-fact. "change and make yourself look beautiful"

"why?" Donghyuck asked too lazy to go change. Plus he didn't find anything wrong with his outfit.

Renjun shook his head in disappointment. "because I am not about to walk next to someone who looks like a hobo"

After getting Donghyuck to change, both Renjun and Donghyuck made their way to the park. Donghyuck wasn't gonna lie, he really needed some fresh air and this was really helping him clear his mind.

Once they were at the park, Donghyuck noticed that Mark stood a few feet away from them with a sunflower in his left hand, and with his right hand, he was holding his guitar. Donghyuck was about to turn away when Mark called his name.

"Donghyuck wait," Mark said pleadingly and Donghyuck stopped in his place. The younger looked at Renjun, who just gave him a wink, and then at Mark. "Donghyuck that day you misunderstood the situation because I'm that guessing after you ran off I said that I fucking love in a romantic way"

"because I do and you know I'm not really good with words so instead I'm gonna sing a song to you. Oh and this is for you", Mark said. He handed Donghyuck the sunflower.

Mark took a breath before he started to sing while playing the guitar.

"I don't wanna die or fade away

I just wanna be someone

I just wanna be someone

Dive and disappear without a trace

I just wanna be someone

Well, doesn't everyone?

And if you feel the great dividing

I wanna be the one you're guiding

'Cause I believe that you could lead the way" Mark sang and at the beat drop, he joined the mini-stage where Jisung was playing the drums and Chenle the keyboard.

The song continued with the adding of the drums and keyboard. Donghyuck smiled as he watched Mark and then turned to Renjun. Renjun placed an arm around his best friend and giggled. "just enjoy it"

"I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh

I wanna be somebody to someone, oh

I never had nobody and no road home

I wanna be somebody to someone

And if the sun starts setting, the sky goes cold

Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall

I really need somebody to call my own

I wanna be somebody to someone

Someone to you

Someone to you

Someone to you

Someone to you

Someone to you" Mark finished singing.

"So Donghyuck will you let me be someone to you and accept to be my boyfriend?"

Donghyuck nodded and ran to hug Mark, and finally, both were able to share a kiss.


Song: someone to you by the banners.

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