Chapter 1

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Rashmika's POV:

It was around midnight and I was drunk to the point where I didn't even know what was happening to me. I felt a strong arm lay me down on my bed as I drew circles on his chest. At this drunk stage, my brain wasn't functioning right and random dirty thoughts entered my head.

"Vi..jay...don't leeaavveee meee," I whined pulling his hand.

"I can't stay...I am also drunk...we'll talk in the...morning...bye..." He said as he took my fingers off his wrist.

The next morning, I woke up with a headache...I pushed the blankets down and realized I was only covered with nothing but my blankets. What the hell? I saw my clothes all over the bed. Fuck...Did i...oh no...oh parents are gonna kill me.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to get a shower and got dressed. I came out and found a note on the table next to my bed.

I'm Sorry...I don't remember how it happened...I don't even know how I am gonna face you now...I'm extremely Sorry. - Vijay

He had left a note so it did happen and I wasn't dreaming.

I tried to rethink everything but I just couldn't. I don't remember any of it but I know we had done it. Oh my god, how was I gonna face him? He told me not to drink but I drank saying I was heartbroken.

Vijay was my best friend. We did a lot of things together and most people think we're dating though we didn't have an attraction toward each other. Or he didn't, I did at times but I would try to destroy it.

It was Friday night and we had a Uni party where we had drinks. I never drank in my life but I had a crush on this guy at Uni and I saw him kissing this girl making me go completely jealous. I decided to give it a try remembering how in the movies alcohol ease with pain.

Trust me, it was only an infatuation. I was trying to distract myself from falling for Vijay. I had to find someone else before Vijay finds out that I loved him. Vijay was also drunk but as soon as he saw me drinking, he pulled me away but I being the idiotic one didn't listen and kept drinking until I completely lost consciousness of everything.

I trusted him to bring me back home and that's exactly what he did. He brought me back home without my parents finding out. I was the one who pulled his hand and I was the one who begged him to stay. I guess when you're drunk, your inner heart starts to act up. I regretted drinking and will never do this ever again in my life.

It was Saturday morning so I don't have to face anybody at Uni but what hurts the most is I don't know how I will face my parents. I wanted to go jump off the cliff. My parents never liked the fact that Vijay and I were friends cause our parents hate each other. I didn't know how I could tell them that Vijay and I did it. They trusted me and I have broken their trust.

I decided to talk to him first but he was not picking up. I know he was ashamed just as I am but running away will not solve anything.

"Hello?" His voice finally said as I sighed in relief.

"Vijay...we need to meet up now," I said.

"I'm busy Rashmi," he said.

"What's more important to you huh?" I shouted.

We don't even fight but when we do, we act like enemies for a day or two but we find our way back as soon as insecurity builds up in our brains since we never want to lose our friendship.

But I knew this was different. What if I get pregnant? I have to do something about this but how?

"Get your ass here now," I screamed.

"Fine...but.." I heard a loud bang and the call ended.

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