Chapter Ten

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Canissa's POV

"Ne, nee-chan, you seem to know where Zeref-nii's room is." I said.
We were currently running down a hallway. Nee-chan stopped and walked in a secret door.
"Sure, I can feel his magic. The magic tells me their rightful owner." She replied.
We are walking down a very dark hall. After walking for another minute or two, we reached a humongous room.
"Ah, so you did come." Someone said darkly.
"Why wouldn't we?" Nee-chan replied boldly.
I looked at the person who spoke. It was Zeref-nii, and he wasn't alone. The other six of his disciples were there. Zeref-nii was sitting on some kind of throne.
"Your friends got them good. I had to call Alby and Jeris here, so they wouldn't get hurt." Zeref said.
"Humph." Nee-chan pouted.
"Now now, shall we begin?" Zeref chuckled.
"Canissa, NOW!!!" Nee-chan told me.
I focused all my powers at one point, and my body started glowing purple. Nee-chan's body started glowing gold.
"That won't work." Zeref-nii said.
He stood up from his throne and started glowing black.
Both nee-chan and I lunged at him. Before we hit him, however, nee-chan stopped, so I stopped too.
"Nee-chan, what's the matter?" I asked.
"The disciples didn't get hurt. Our comrades got hurt. Awfully." She said, eyes wide. "We're going back to Fairy Tail, NOW!"
"Hai!" I said. I concentrated on my magic, teleporting everyone home.

5 minutes later...

Lucy's POV

We got home some-what safely.
"Lucy!" Someone called sadly.
"Yes, Mira?" I answered.
"My baby... it's gone..." She started crying.
"What?!" I gasped.
"Vastia... she... did it..." Mira sobbed uncontrollably.
"That witch! Don't worry, Mira, this might help. there's a fifty-fifty chance." I said, giving Mira a round tiny golden thing.
"Why is it a fifty-fifty?" She asked.
"It only works on DeGels. Since you're married to a DeGel, I'm not sure if it works or not." I explained.
"Oh..." She mumbled. She ate the tiny medicine.
"Now let me see... OH!" I exclaimed.
"What!" Mira asked.
"The baby never was gone!" I exclaimed happily.
"What?!" Mira exclaimed.
"Yeah... well, you are a demon and the baby is a DeGel!" I say, realizing my stupidity.
"True!" Mira
"Lucy! Come quick!" Erza called. "It's an emergency."
I ran over to Erza, who was dragging an unconscious Gray.
I gasped.
"What?!" Erza asked, clearly worried.
"H-he -u-used i-i-ice sh-she-shell!!!" I stammered.
"W-wh-wh-WHAT?!?!?!?!" Erza gulped. "The spell that kills you?!"
I nodded slowly.
"Is he dead?!" Erza asked.
"I'm checking." I said, looking through his organs, making sure they're working right. "Surprisingly, he's not dead yet."
"Anytime soon?!" Erza asked.
"About four hours if we don't hurry up and save him." I said. "Canissa!"
"Hai, Onee-chan." She said, coming over.
"I need you to take out all of his possibility of death. I'll put the life in him." I said.
"Hai!" She said, quickly going to work.
Erza watched in fascination how Cani used her hands to suck out purplish black things. After she's done five minutes later, I gave him green things. Then after that, I gave him some golden medicine and soon after that, he seemed to be breathing normally again. Both Canissa and I were extremely wary after saving someone from death.
"Take him to the infirmary. Let him rest for a few days." I told Erza. "I need to form a plan to defeat Zeref."
"The whole guild's with you." Someone said ghostly.
"Ah! First Master!" Erza exclaimed.
"Arigatou, First Master, even though I can't see you." I said.
"Then become a member so you can see her." Erza said, grinning warily. After all, she just fought Moulin, a lady ten times stronger than her.
"Sure." I grinned.

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