"Has anyone seen Lily?" Josh asked random students as he shuffled past the hallway. "Hey you, have you seen Lily?"

"Lily who?"

"Who else? Liliana Van Doren! Can anyone please tell me where she is?" He asked frustrated. "I heard Anthonys looking for her too. Maybe you could both look together."

"Anthonys looking for her too? Do you know where he is then?" Josh asked. "Nah, he was looking for her yesterday, I don't know where they're at now. Haven't seen em."

Anthony  just can't pick the same day as him to confess right. That would be a total coincidence.

Thats when Josh spotted his friend all crowded in one spot. "Hey, have you all seen–" He paused when the gang looks horrified at the sight of him.

"Josh! Hey! What are you doing??" Alex asked. "I'm looking for Lily. Can you tell me where she is? I've been looking for her all day and I really I mean reallyyy need her to meet me at homeroom.

"Now that you mentioned it. I haven't seen her all day." Griffin spoke. "Chase you took algebra with her on Tuesdays right? Was she absent in class?" Addison asked.

"Yeah she was." He nodded.

"For the love of god LilHuddy?? Why didn't you say something??" Jaden asked. "Okay don't call me by my tiktok name in real life."

"Maybe she's sick. Why was she absent? I should go to her house after period ends. And maybe brought her some soup." Josh nodded.

"No need, I just texted her and look who's she's with?" Alex asked showing them her phone.

AlexLily you were absent today? Where are you? Are you sick? Do you want me to come over to your house later? Read

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Lily you were absent today? Where are you? Are you sick? Do you want me to come over to your house later?

Liliana V
No need. I ditched school today with Anthony lol don't tell anyone especially Jackson. This is so not me to ditch school.

Liliana V
Anthonys taking me to Mcdonalds. It has been ages since I had junk food🥵

Liliana V
Anywho will you come join us after school ends?

Sounds fun, I'll meet you there! 🥰

Alex Sounds fun, I'll meet you there! 🥰Read

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