Chapter 75: The Cat is out of the Bag

Start from the beginning

"She has recovered some of it when I got kidnapped. It seems like she is getting flashbacks of what has happened to her ever since Laila was taken by your men. I never asked but what did you do with her and the businessman who helped her abduct me..."

"They are gone. Never will she hurt my sister ever again. That is all you need to know." his answer had a tone of finality. "That means you can rest easy."

"Hmmm. When will you visit?" I looked at my new brother-in-law in a new light.

And it was not a good one.

"Now." He smirked. "Oh and I already have an excuse for her other questions so just nod and act dumb."

I frowned but we both decided to go back to my new apartment to visit my duchess.



My duchess hugged Kiel who laughed and embraced her tightly.

He shows a completely different side of himself whenever he is with her. The loving way he patted her head as her look of joy when she looked at him made me wonder if keeping such a huge secret from her is right.

But I hesitated because Sarina has yet to fully recover all her memories of us. Maybe someday when the time is right then I will tell her about Kiel but not now....

"Leone, can Kiel stay for dinner? Sey will be coming back home from the hospital; she would be glad to see my brother again."

"It is fine. I was about to suggest it. We can all have a nice family dinner."

Kiel gave me a sly smile as he hugged Sarina from behind.

"Well then, shall we cook together just like old times?" he kissed my fiancee's cheek. "I can make your favorite...."

Somehow my possessiveness was rearing its ugly head once again as I wondered more than once if Kiel ever saw Sarina as a woman and not as a sister.

But my fiancee shoved him playfully like he has done this before.

"Fratello! Stop making such a fuss and come help me prep some vegetables to make the sofritto." She gave me a wink as Kiel was pulled into the kitchen.

"..Guess I'll set the table?" I scratched my head.


Dinner was noisier than usual but it was also lively. Kiel shared the reason why he was in France and smoothly lied about his involvement with Laila's capture.

My fiancee looked relieved and somehow the talks moved to the family business he had to take care of at Tuscany.

"All good. I may not be around as much but you have your fiance to keep your company and medical school while Sey has her Masters in design to deal with. My little sisters are all leaving the nest, I am so proud." Kiel patted his sister's head affectionately.

"Kiel...I also hope you find love." Sarina's sincere words caught him unaware.

"Maybe I should introduce a few of my older female friends to brother Kiel." Sey nudged him playfully.

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now