Chapter Nine

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"Is she talking to me? Nah. I must be hearing shit."


Michael turns and sees her still wearing his hoodie staring at him. "Hey... I almost didn't recognize you with that hoodie on." He looks at her staring at him. "What?! That's what I started with?! I'm actually so traaash..."

"Yeah... Thanks again for that. I'm sorry to bother you, yet again, but can I use your card for a second please?"

"Are you asking the creep for his credit card?" Michael stares at her and smiles.

"Yes... Wait I mean no... Yes!"

"Why is she stuttering talking to me?"  

"Look I just need to use the damn card is all. I was going to give you cash. These people won't seem to take cash and it's all I have on me."

"Yeah with all this mess going on, can you blame them?"

"Can I use it or not?"

"Sure." Michael reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. He takes out the card and hands it to her.

"Thanks..." She looks at his face and gently smiles. Michael watches her walk away.

She walks into the dep and walks back out with a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes. "Here." She hands him back his card and then reaches into her purse and gives him 20$ cash.

"I'm good, keep it."

"I don't need your pity creep. Just take it." She stares at him not taking it. "Please just take it."

"Seriously it's just a 20... No need to make a big deal out of it."

"God..." She drops the money and walks back to her spot and sits back down.

"Well that went well..." He looks beside her and sees a credit card ripped in half, with her name on it. "What happened to your card?"

"That's none of your business. You can leave now."

"Why are you getting so defensive? I'm not trying to hurt you."

"Why are you still here?"

"I'm... Just trying to help."

"Don't worry I'm fine. You can go now." She stares at him still standing beside her. "Uh..." She slightly blushes and turns around.

"Mind if I join you?"

"No. I want to be alone forever. If you don't mind."

"Yeah you and me both." Michael continues to stare at her. "Sooo?"

"Whatever. Not like you are going to listen anyways."

"Huh... I guess I am a creep."

"No... A creep doesn't go around giving his credit card to random people in the middle of the street."

"But a creep does sit beside a sleeping girl in the middle of nowhere, waiting for her to wake up?"

"No that was creepy. But in a way... Nice."

They both quietly sit there and awkwardly stare around. 

"Well I made it this far... This isn't as hard as I remember." He turns towards her and sees her looking away. "Say something you idiot..."  She pulls out a cigarette and starts smocking.

"You know that stuff will kill you right?"

"Good. I don't care." 

"Yikes. That was just plain bad." 

Her stomach growls as they sat there saying nothing.

"Can the creep offer the spoiled princess something to eat at least, without getting attacked?"

"The spoiled princess is not hungry."

Her stomach growls again.

"You sure about that? You're buying." He lifts the 20$ she dropped earlier and waves it around.

"Fine. If I eat with you, will you finally be happy and leave me alone." Asks the girl while staring at him.


"No. I want to hear you say it. Say you will finally leave me alone."

"I promise to stop being a creep if you eat some food, to you know, keep you alive and all. Sure."

"That's funny..."

"Come on." He gets up and offers her a hand.

"I can get up on my own creep."

"There you go getting defensive again."

"Whatever. So where is your car?"

"Damn it Jess! I didn't think I would get this far." Michael shakes his head. "I walked here."

"Why did you walk here if you have a car?"

"Why did you sleep here if you have a house?"

"That's none of..."

"Yeah yeah I know... It's none of my business. Come on. Let's just get this over with so you can get rid of me like everyone else."

"Huh?" She stares at Michael as he started walking away. "Where are you going?"

"My house. Come on it's not that far. I live right behind here. Unless a ten minute walk is too much for the princess. " 

"No it's not!" She stares at him confused as he continues to walk away. "What's wrong with this guy?" She shakes her head and catches up to him.

To be continued... 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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