Chapter Five

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"Ughhh..." Micheal grabs the phone and throws it away. He grabs his pillow and puts it on his head. "Just let me sleeeep!"

The buzzing finally stops.

"Thank you."

"Ah?!" Micheal gets up and looks at the time.

11:45 PM


The bell continues to ring constantly.

"Alright alright! I'm coming." He gets up and walks downstairs towards the door.

"Yallah wake up already bitch!"

"Jess?" Asks Micheal while opening the door.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy!" She joyfully screams and runs inside. "What took so long bitch? I've been calling you for like fifteen minutes."

"Sorry I slept late." Micheal rubs his eyes as they were burning.

"Sleep earlier." Says Jessica. They walk into the kitchen.

"Ding ding ding... She's a genius." Says Micheal.

"Hey!" She looks at him angry while sitting down. "Thanks bitch! I try..." She smile and rolls around on the chair. "So what are you doing today?"

"Good question..."

"Eh? I know what we can do! I got today and tomorrow off so this is perfect. I can sleep here! Ohoho! Its going to be so much fun!" 


"Wake and bake bitch! I just woke up too so let's go! Let's get high bitch! Hehe..."

"I'm all out." Says Michael. 

"Are you now?" She nods her head and sharply looks around.

"And besides... Didn't you quit?" Asks Micheal.

"Yeah... But you think I'm going to quit forever? Hah! Hell no bitch."

"You..." Micheal laughs while shaking his head. "You're something else."

"So are we doing this?!" Jessica smiles revealing her braces.

"How are your braces feeling by the way?" Asks Micheal.

"Their okay... Right? I find they make me cute." She stares at him not saying anything.


"This is when you say, you are cute bitch!"

"You are."

"Aww thank you! But you didn't have to agree with me." Michael looks at her confused. "The only thing that pisses me off is when food gets stuck in them."

"Uhuh..." Micheal laughs while shaking his head.

"Hey that's not funny man. So? Are we doing this? Plus I really don't want to be home man..."

"Are they at it again?" Asks Michael. 

"They always are. So? What do you say?" 

"Eh, sure why not. Let's do it."


"But what?" Asks Micheal while staring at her.

"Can we go to the store pleaseee? I wanna get some salami! I've been craving it all day yesterday and I want some! Can we?"


"Wow..." She stares at him shocked.


"Your saying yes to everything today. It's weird."

"What are you talking about? I always say yes."

"Yeah, but usually I have to annoy you into agreeing. Something wrong?"

"Nop. Maybe because for once I got more then three hours of sleep? " Micheal walks upstairs into his room. "I'll be back, let me change and well go right away."

"Thaaaaaaaank you." She giggles while continuing to turn around on the chair. "Yo this is fun! I love these chairs."

"Alright come on." Micheal walks by her and grabs the keys.

"I also forgot to ask... Who scratched your car?" Asks Jessica.

"Some idiot." Says Micheal while closing the house door and locking it.

They drive by that old pizza restaurant and the light turns orange as he reaches it.

"You can make it." Says Jessica while putting her phone in her pocket.

Micheal slows down and stops the car. 

"What? Why'd you stop? You could have easily made that."

"I don't know... I just stopped." He checks the side mirror and sees nobody around the building. "Did she... Leave?"

"Uh... Okay... Weirdo."

Micheal turns and looks around them.

"What are you looking for?" Asks Jessica.

"Nothing... I was just stretching."

"Weirdo..." Jessica sniffs the air. "Oh! It smells like pizza and Greek food. God... They both just smell so amazing. Oh! Okay quick game. I'm going to count down from three and once I reach one, we each have to say which we prefer."

"Easy." Says Micheal while agreeing.

"Three... Two... One!"

"Pizza." Says Jessica.

"Greek food." Says Micheal.

"What?! How can you pick Greek food over pizza?! Are you like... Actually insane?"

"The only pizza I love more then anything is mom and dad's homemade pizza." Micheal looks around one last time as the light might turn green.

"You know what... Debatable. Wait no! Pizza is pizza! Pfft! What am I saying! Wait no... Uh... I don't know anymore. Yo! We should order today after we smoke." Jessica looks at the light still red. "I really hate this light. It takes forever." 

Micheal looks at the dep across the street and sees the girl walk out.

"You sound... Very confused..." Says Micheal while barely paying attention to her.

Jessica sees Micheal staring at her. "Who's the girl?" Jessica gets a better look at her. "Wait a minute... I know that hotness anywhere. Holy shit... Isn't that Melanie?" The light turns green.

"God bless this light." Micheal steps on the gas ignoring her while speeding away.

To be continued...

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