Chapter 19-Projects, Cafes and Water.

Começar do início

I hopped into the shower and took the shortest bath ever known to man.

When I was done, realized In my race to beat the time, I didn't have a towel and I wasn't in my room.

Taking a big risk, I walked out of the shower and peered through to the door to check for Luna, making sure to hide my naked form.

I was greeted with emptiness, but a towel and an outfit was placed neatly on the bed.

I walked to the bed and grabbed the towel, quickly drying my self off. I put on the clothes she'd left me and grabbed my bag.

I ran downstairs where mom dad and Luna were having breakfast. Jake of course, had already gone to school.

"Morning everyone." I greeted hurriedly. I kissed mom and dad on their cheeks and grabbed Luna's waffle off her plate.

"Hey!" She yelled in protest.

"Sorry." I apologised and grabbed my lunch money off the fridge before running out the door. "Wait." I heard dads voice call after me but I only had 3 minutes to get to school.


When I arrived at school, I was already 10 minutes late for the first lesson, which was calculus.

I raced to my lockers to get my books before going for class.

I was panting heavily like I just completed a 1000meter race when I reached the class. As I walked in I was greeted with the Amused stares of the other students and the glare of the teacher. "Do you care to explain why you're late miss Anderson." Mr Ross's Authoritative voice held the promise of detention served in a silver tray.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again Sir." I made sure to avoid any eye constant and instead settled for the floor, to show him that was genuinely sorry for coming late. Teachers ate that stuff up.

"I'm letting you off with a warning. Is that clear miss Anderson?"

"Yes sir." I took the empty seat behind a ginger haired boy. Even as I at down, kids on my right were still giving me strange looks. I came late, so is that such a big deal.

I turned to the left to see if the situation was the same, and it was. They turned when they noticed I was staring at them. That was she my eyes met Jackson. That F*cker had a stupid smirk on his face. He was probably laughing because he stood me up. He'll regret it when this class is over.

I turned my attention back to the teacher and began to take notes wherever I could.


Moment class was Over, Jackson was the first person out the door. He thinks he can get away from me, Eh?

I quickly grabbed my things and followed suite. I easily spotted him through the swarm of student, talking to Phillip and his posses names I could not remember.

Without wasting time, I ran in his direction at full speed. I probably looked crazy with the way I was running, but revenge was the only thing that was on my mind. With the momentum i had gathered, I shoved Jackson. The force caused I him to fall to the ground.

He turned to look at the cause of his fall. His mortified expression turned into a smirk. "April what's up?" He asked casually from him position on the floor.

I pointed an accusing finger at him" You know exactly whats up, you waste of sperm . I want to know what in oompalompas's name possessed you to Flake on me."

"I also wonder what in oompalompas's name possessed you to not brush your hair."

I was silent for a moment. Evidently confused.

RivalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora