Chapter 10: Karma

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OK so far this has been the most strangest position I've ever been in.

Jackson continued to glare at me like he wanted something from me or something.

"Look, its getting late and my family will start to wonder where I've disappeared to, so can you please let me go". I tried to reason with him hoping that at least he won't want to get into trouble with my parents.

"And why in the world would you think i care about your parents". He replied rudely.
"They can rot in hell for all I care".

"You a**hole! Don't you have any human feelings you monster?". I screamed at him.

But to my surprise instead of insulting me or hitting me he started to chuckle.

"What's so funny?". I asked, my voice almost becoming soft.

"Me a monster? Are you blind or something?". He asked

"No I'm not you idiot". I yelled at him.

"Oh please, you may think I'm a monster but it's not like you can take your eyes off of me". He said smugly.

"I.. I..hate you, you son of a b*t*h.
I screamed in his face. As I tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

I tried desperately to escape when I noticed him looking at me with pure hatred and anger but I kept wriggling any way .

"HEY!". I heard Jackson shout at me which in turn made me to stop moving.

"Who do think you are huh, calling my mother a b*t*h. Do even know her standards because I'm sure as hell it surpasses those of your mother's". He angrily yelled at me but I didn't answer.

"You called me a monster, well... I'll show just how much of a monster I can be". His voice suddenly turning dark.

He let go of me causing me to slide to the floor.

While raising my head to look at him, I was met with a harsh slap.
I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
I looked up at him, wanting to say something but my mouth couldn't just form the words to speak.

I thought saw a spark guilt flash in his eyes but thought maybe it could only be my imagination.

I tried not to let the tears fall but failed miserably as I felt the tears fall unto my cheeks just wondering out of all the girls, why me.

Jackson knelt down close to me, lifted my chin and looked into my eyes.

"This is only the beginning babe". With that being said, kicked me in the ribs... Twice and he stood up and started to walk away.

He suddenly stopped to look back and said "oh, and if you ever speak of my mother in such manner again, your dead".
He walked away leaving me alone in the ally.

After about 5 minutes of composing myself I stood up and ran home.

When I reached home, I walked into the living room to find my parents and older sister watching movie while eating pizza and Chinese food and thankfully the light was switched off so they could not see the red mark on my face or my soiled mascara.

"Hey guys". I said cheerfully to hide any sort of pain in my voice.

"Hey baby". My parents said in unison

"April! Oh honey I missed you so much". Luna said as she rushed to hug me.

"I hadn't seen you all day, and mum said you went out for a run earlier this evening i wanted to come looking for you but mom told me not too and do you know what time it is? Its already 8:45pm. What if you got hurt or kidnapped or worse".

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