13. Mental support

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"Lance? I'm sorry, I don't think it's a good time for Kei-"
"Oh no it's ok. We talked he said he'd like that" he smiled and headed for the bedroom.

Lance came in with a big blue duffel bag on his shoulder and a big smile on his face.

"Hey Keith!" He said putting down the bag. Keith couldn't help himself but to smile when he saw Lance. He was like a spark of joy, a sunshine that pierced through the clouds.

"Lance! Hi" Keith said, sounding a tad bit too exited
"So what do you wanna do first? I was thinking we could start with the face mask, then while it's on our face, we can paint our nails. And if you want, after, we can watch a movie and cuddle, cause who doesn't like cuddles when they're down?" He giggled
"Ok sounds good to me" he smiled at the idea of cuddling with Lance. But it's just because he's lonely right now. Like Lance said, everyone likes cuddles when they're down.

Lance got the face mask out of his bag and another plastic bag.
He took out a few pink hair clips and put them in his hair to get it out of his hair.
He pulled out a hair band and handed it over to Keith.
"Here, put your hair up" he said. He pulled out three other clips, orange this time.
Keith took them and put his hair up.
Now that all their hair was out of their faces, Lance opened the face mask.

"Ready?" He said taking a clump of the mask on the tip of his fingers.
"Yeah" Keith chuckled
Lance nodded and approached the other boy. He applied the mask gently and then did his. After both their faces were covered, Lance went to the bathroom and rinsed his hands.
Once he was back, he went to his bag and got out a blue pouch with stars and glitter on it.
He opened it and got all the nail polish out.
"Which colour do you want?"
"Black I guess?"
"Hm, boring, let's put red details!" He exclaimed smiling at Keith
"Sure" he smiled back. Lance opened the bottle and put the black nail polish on Keith's nails.
"Your nails are pretty long, you're lucky mine aren't that long. I should probably grow them out. I always paint them blue. I should do something different, maybe purple and pink- ah shoot, here I go again I talk too much" he looked at Keith for a second before going back to his hand
"Lance," the other boy looked at him and hummed as a way to tell him he heard him
"Don't stop talking" Lance looked at him a bit confused but started talking again.

Soon enough, they were done with their nails and washed off the face mask. Lance brought over an extra blanket and stuffed animals to make it even more comfy. They put it all on the bed and got Keith's laptop out.
"What do you wanna watch?" Lance shrugged
"You chose" he replied
"How about 1922?" Keith asked
"Sure" Lance said as he got a little closer to Keith. He put his head onto Keith's chest and covered Keith and him with a warm, pastel pink blanket. Keith blushed softly and looked over at Lance and smiled.

They started the movie and watched it until Adam came in. Keith quickly paused the movie. Both blushed, but didn't pull away.
"Oh- sorry. Do you guys want popcorn?" He asked watching them both nod and smile at him. Lance talked a bit, still on Keith's chest.

"Hey Lance?"
"Um this- this is gonna sound weird but, you make me not wanna die" Lance blushed and smiled at the idea. He looked up at Keith and smiled even wider.
"It's not weird" he looked back at the screen, unpausing the movie and held Keith tighter.

Adam soon came back in, with Shiro this time, bringing the popcorn. As they closed the door, they giggle to themselves and whispered something. They ate their snack and continued enjoying the movie.

Soon enough, Lance fell asleep on his friend peacefully. He looked so vulnerable. He didn't want to wake him up, but he had to.
"Lance? I need you to move for a second" he waited for Lance to get off and got up from the bed. He went to the bathroom and took off his binder. He came back to seeing Lance awake.
"Why'd you go?"
"I umm- I needed to take off my binder..."
"Oh yeah of course. Hm you're lucky you're flat chested, I can barely tell"
He chuckled a bit and went back in bed, being with Lance made him feel good. They soon fell asleep, cuddling.

They woke up in the morning, still in each other's arms.
Lance's bed head was adorable.
He rubbed his eyes and got to the bathroom.
"Keef, can I take a shower?"
"First of all, don't call me that, second of all, yes"
"Ok thanks" he walked into the bathroom and started the water. He hopped in and started washing himself.
He started thinking about Keith
NO! Why the hell would I think about him IN THE SHOWER
He washed his hair quickly and got out. He put his towel up to his chest and walked back into the room to grab his clothes.
"Sorry, I forgot to grab them" he chuckled and went back to the bathroom. Lance got dressed in high rised, cuffed skinny jeans, an olive coloured button up shirt and a navy blue sweater. When he got out, Keith was stunned. He looked so pretty, he was speechless.
"You look- you look really good, Lance"
Lance blushed and smiled
"Aw thanks" he said holding his face in between his hands.
"Uh we should go get breakfast" Keith said, standing up.

After eating, they hung out in Keith's bedroom for a while. Soon came the time Lance had to leave, Keith didn't want him to but he had to go. Before leaving, Lance gasped and went through his duffel bag.
"What are you doing?" Keith asked confused
"I gotta give you something!" He pulled out the jacket he always wore and handed it to Keith
"Take it! That way, you'll always have mental support" he smiled as Keith took it from him
"Thanks Lance, that's really sweet" he smiled and pulled him into a hug before he left.

They waved goodbye as Keith for back to his room. He went on his bed and put on Lance's jacket. He hugged it tightly and grabbed his phone.

Burnt_toest: ohmygod Pidge
Green_tea: what?
Burnt_toest: Lance and I had a sleepover
Green_tea: ok?
Burnt_toest: before leaving, he gave me his jacket!
Green_tea: oh god just fuck already
Burnt_toest: pidge!!! Shut up you're like 12
Green_tea: has left the chat
Burnt_toest: ok well I'll see you later :3
Green_tea: kk byeeee <3

I know some trans people aren't comfortable talking about their binder/deadname ect but Keith feels comfy with Lance so he doesn't really care


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