5. Atelophobia

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T/W: panic attack, atelophobia, homophobia, anxiety

After he closed the window, he almost fell on his bed. He just let his body fall onto it.
He just started crying. With no good reason to. He didn't know why he was crying, but it didn't feel good. As the tears were dripping on his cheeks, he thought about Keith.
He imagined the feeling of being in his arms, the feeling of his lips, the feeling of Keith's body against his-
He thought.
He was still sobbing and it didn't help when he started thinking of his father
'You are a disgrace'
'It's not natural! Only boy and girl work'
'You are disgusting'
'Don't do stuff like that under my roof'

'You'll never be enough'

These words. The words
'you'll never be enough' just played and replayed through his mind. A headache found his way through his skull and his stomach started to hurt. He couldn't stop crying and started hyperventilating. His heart felt like it was beating through his chest.
He started clawing his face with his nails. At this point, he was just ripping through his skin.
He bled.
He couldn't stop! It was all just too much.
His face hurt, but not as much as his heart.
He was dripping blood everywhere but he didn't care. He just wanted for everything to be perfect. He wanted to be enough.

He got up to try and calm himself down, his hands still in his face. He walked in a circle.
I want to be enough. I want to be enough.
I want to be enough. I want to be enough.
I want to be enough. I want to be enough.
He could hear nothing but his breathing and his thoughts. Until it all just stopped.

He opened his eyes and saw a bright, white light. He looked around, his vision still blurry.
He could see his brothers and sisters. Luis and Rachel came all the way from their respective towns to see him. His mother was by his side and of course, his father wasn't there.
But there still was a figure he didn't know.


Sorry short chapter but the next one will be a bit longer.

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