10. Bicycle

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"Hey Keith,"
"Hey Lance" he chuckled.
I love when he chuckles
"Wanna walk to school together tomorrow?"

1 day earlier

Just breathe, Lance
You can do this
Just ask him it's easy
God why is it so hard?
That's what she said
Hehe in funny
Shit, I have to ask him

Lance walked in the café and went upstairs. He knocked on Keith's door and waited for it to open. It did, luckily

"Hi Keith,"
"Uh I wanted to ask you something"
"Yah sure go for it"
"I wanted to know if you would wanna hang out tomorrow? Like I thought we could go to the side of town where there's the sea and stuff and we could ride my bike and stuff and I mean, you don't have to go, but it could be nic-"
"Yeah, I'll go, what time?" Lances face lit up
"How about 7:30?"
"Ok then, it's a date"
Lance blushed and headed for the door
"See you later" he smiled and left

He walked faster towards his house and went straight to his living room. If he went to his room, Keith could see him!
So he texted Hunk

Sharpshooter101:hey hunkyyyy
Thebakee.com: hey what's going on?
Sharpshooter101: I think I got myself a date...
Thebakee.com: WHAT with who?
Sharpshooter101: Keith...
Thebakee.com: OMFG!!!!!!!! When how what
Sharpshooter: tomorrow, we're just gonna ride a bike in the sunset
Thebakee.com: omgggggggggg it's gonna be so cute

Thebakee.com added pidgeon in the group

Pidgeon: what's up? Why'd you guys add me in a group?
Thebakee.com: Keith and Lance are going on a dateeeeeee
Pidgeon: OMG YESSSSSSSSS I ship it
Sharpshooter101: ???
Thebakee.com: PIDGE!!! They're KLANCE
pidgeon: hunk I love you
Sharpshooter101: I don't really know if it's a date but I just said 'it's a date' or something it's no big deal...

Pidgeon: so.... you're going on a date with Lance??
Keef.texasbean: you can say it like that... but it's not really a date
Pidgeon: whatever
Pidgeon: we need to hang out so we can decide what you'll wear
Keef.texasbean: sure come at 6 and if you wanna eat dinner here, come at 4
Pidgeon: I'll be here at 4 ;)))))
Keef.texasbean: god
Pidgeon: yes?

The next day at 4

"Hi bitchesss I'm heree"
"Oh hi Pidge" Adam said
She walked in Keith's room and threw herself on the messy bed.
"Hey Pidge" he said grinning
"Wow, since when do you smile?"
"Ugh rude"
"Ok yeah whatever"
"Hey kids, dinner is ready early. Come eat"
They walked to the kitchen and sat down. They ate a beef stew with carrots and potatoes in it.
After eating, Pidge and Keith went back to his room, it was already 6:45.
"So whatcha wanna wear?"
He sighed and fell on his bed
"I don't know, Pidge. You gotta help me"
"So all you're doing is riding a bike, right?"
"Well just wear these jeans, with this hoodie and this jacket!" She handed him black jeans with holes on the knees, a simple white hoodie and a red jacket.
"Oh ok, I'm gonna try it on"
He put on the outfit and looked great
"How do I look?"
"Oh, my baby is becoming a man" she said, imitating a mom
"Pidge, I just wanna say thank you" he sat beside her and looked down
"What for?" She smiled a bit
"Everything. You always were here when I needed you. You took me in when my parents kicked me out, you were here when I needed a shoulder to cry on. You're just, always here. Thank you" he looked at her and smiled
"You're welcome. Now let's hang out before you have to go!"
"Yeah" for the next 45 minutes they watched an episode of queer eye. They had fun but the date was coming up
"I gotta go, see you later Pidge"
"Bye, and don't have sex just yet"
He rolled his eyes and laughed as he left.

Knock knock knock

"Mijo, there's someone at the door for you"
He smiled and almost ran to the door. When he saw Keith, his face lit up and he smiled. They grabbed his bicycle and started riding it. They headed for the road just above the beach as the sun was setting.
"It's so beautiful"
"Yeah, we could sit for a second"
Lance looked at him and nodded. They stopped and sat on a hill close to the sea.
"Lance, do you have dreams?"
"I dream of finding the live of my life- my soulmate y'know"
"Yah" Lance dripped his head on the other boy's shoulder and smiled lightly
"I like your smile..."
"Hm I like your's" they looked at each other and smiled before looking back at the sunset

After a minute or so of silence, Lance broke it

"Hey Keith,"
"Hey Lance" he chuckled.
I love when he chuckles
"Wanna walk to school together tomorrow?"
"Of course"

K but like, this is so fluffyyyyyyyy
God it's cute.

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