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[Art not mine]

(3rd pov)

It was late at night for the EW crew. Edd, Matt, and Tord had been having a movie night and at this point, no one could count how many they watched. While Edd and Matt were enjoying themselves, a certain norsk's mind was elsewhere. Tom had left the house hours prior and hadn't so much as checked in. I mean sure he was a grown man but for the sake of Edd, he would check in to at least say he was okay.

That hadn't happened. Edd seemed to not notice and Matt...well, he's Matt. Tord wouldn't like to admit it but a feeling of worry crept into his body. He didn't like it. Why should he be worried about the blue brit? All he's ever done was be mean to him. But still, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Very wrong. Tord shook his head and tried focusing on the television instead.

After an hour, Edd stood. Tord lifted an eyebrow in question. "I'm a bit tired, I think me and Matt are gonna go to bed." Edd said, pulling Matt up. "Oh alright." Said the commie, looking at the Tv once again. Edd and Matt went to their respective rooms, leaving Tord alone with his thoughts.

(Tord's Pov)

Once Edd and Matt left, my mind wandered to the Jehovah once again. I wasn't even sure why. Usually I wouldn't even give him a second thought but right now I was giving him a third and a fourth. I ran a hand through my hair, sighing. I can't even deny that I'm worried. I won't go overboard with it though. I'm not gonna spam him or anything but I'll at least stay up until he's back, so I don't keep myself up worrying about it. I'm sure he's fine and I know he can handle himself but knowing that doesn't make my worry subside even the slightest.

I grabbed the remote from Edd's previous spot on the couch and flipped the tv back to live tv since we were using a dvd player earlier. I mindlessly scrolled through channels for something good to watch, trying to distract myself from worrying about Tom. I eventually gave up after about an hour. It was now 2:37am. I perked up when I heard the door open. It was Tom. I felt instant relief and that worry slowly dissipated, only to come back seconds later when I realized the state he was in.

Tom was obviously drunk, or had been, and he was trembling. He had his head down and his spiky hair was wet so it was covering most of his face. Tom seemed to be cradling his right arm and he had a weird stance, looking as though he'd fall over. I panicked and got up. "Tom?!?" Worry laced my voice and it went an octave higher. He only tilted his head up slightly, wiping one of his eyes. I now noticed he was crying, or he had been. I carefully walked closer to him, trying to show that I wouldn't hurt him. I don't know how well that would work though, since we were "enemies" and all.

"Tom..?" I repeated, in a softer tone. I was about a foot away when Tom finally looked at me. His eyes were stained white, something that only happens when he's scared or surprised. There were pretty bad scratches on the right side of his face. I subconsciously held his hands in mine. "Tom...what happened to you?" Something about what I said made Tom break down again. He said nothing as he just melted in my arms, hugging me. I didn't hesitate to hug back, feeling bad for the guy. Tom let out soft whimpers and I felt his body shake with every sob. What happened to him?

I led Tom to the couch, having him sit down with me. After a few minutes, Tom seemed calm enough to talk. I just sat and hugged him until he decided to pull away. He took a breath, rubbing his eyes once again before looking at me. I just waited until he was ready to talk, not trying to rush him.

"I uh.." he seemed hesitant. "I...I was over at the park near the bar when some people jumped me. There were about four guys, about 6' each," My heart dropped as he spoke. How could they do that? Why would they do that? "At first I fought them off, b-but after a while I got o-overwhelmed." Tom's sentence broke about halfway through and he took a breath, wiping his eyes for a second and trying to recollect himself. "They kept hitting me even when I was on the ground, s-screaming for help.." He didn't look at me.

Anger started to rise in me. It started in my chest and slowly spread throughout my body. I was looking at nobody in particular, eyebrows furrowed and mouth pulled into a thin line. I know that me and Tom aren't really on friendly terms but I won't just sit back and let these bastards get away with what they've done. I silently stood and walked into my room, grabbing one of my many guns. I walked back into the living room as I checked the chamber.

"T-Tord?-" I looked at Tom. He had gotten off the couch and was worriedly looking at me. "What do they look like?" I asked, putting the gun in my waistband. Tom hesitated, focusing on the gun. "The- the leader guy had blond hair, a black jacket on, and I think blue jeans. I couldn't see the rest very well." I hummed in acknowledgement, slipping my red hoodie on. "....Tord?...What are you going to do..?" I looked at him after I walked to the door and opened it.

"What I need to."

I did just that. Yes I was covered in blood, but that didn't faze me, wouldn't be the first time. I was disappointed because two of those monsters were still out there. I opened the door to the house and walked in, kicking my shoes off. "Tord!-" It was Tom. I turned and he was on the couch, a relieved look on his face. I smiled, thankful that nothing happened while I was gone. I walked over to him and held a hand out. "There's still two of them out there but I'll make sure they get nowhere near you ever again. You should take a bath and then we can bandage you up." Tom took a shaky breath before responding. "Okay.."

He was probably scared, and for good reason. I helped him up the stairs and quietly led him to the bathroom, trying to not wake Edd or Matt. "You should sit." I said, gesturing to the toilet as I turned the water on. He obliged and I walked out of the room, going into Tom's and getting a spare change of clothes for him.

I grabbed a towel on my way back and once I got back to the bathroom, Tom was already in the bath. Usually I would be having dirty thoughts about this but nothing came. I wasn't complaining though. I would feel disgusted if something had, especially since Tom just got his ass beat. I set the towel and clothes on the counter and quickly washed the blood off of me in the sink, kneeling by the tub. I got a weird feeling, realizing I was so close to Tom while he was naked. I pushed that feeling back and made sure to only look at his torso and up.

I helped clean all of the wounds on Tom and then I went to the room so he could finish up. I was just playing a game on my phone when there was a knock at my door. I opened the door and let Tom in. "Sit down and I'll be right back." It didn't seem like Tom wanted to talk much so he just nodded and sat. I walked into the bathroom and got bandages and antiseptic. I walked back into my room and sat next to Tom. "Can you take your shirt off so I know what I'm working with?" He did. "Thank you." he hummed in response. I gently held his right arm and started disinfecting it. Tom sucked in a sharp breath and tensed slightly. "..Sorry.." I spoke, feeling bad.

After I was done, I bandaged up his arm and moved to his face. I only used a little antiseptic since he only had a scratch that covered most of his right cheek. I just got a big square band-aid and put it on him. I smiled at my work. There wasn't much to do about the bruises except let them heal in their own time. "Done." Tom suddenly hugged me and my breath hitched in surprise before I hugged him back. He spoke for the first time since we got in my room. "Thank you. Thank you so fucking much. I know I'm an ass to you and then you go defend me and make sure I'm safe." He pulled back and looked at me. He paused. "My question is why..?" He sounded a bit sad.

It was my turn to pause. "...I mean I know we aren't the nicest to each other but..," I had to think about what to say. I thought of one thing but it wouldn't sound right and another just sounded stupid. I just chose to speak honestly. "I care about you...I know I'm a total bitch about most things but I care. Seeing you hurt earlier made me so fucking angry. It made me realize I don't entirely hate you, quite the opposite actually." I smiled and so did he.

Tom seemed to think that I meant that as I like him as a friend but I wasn't so sure that's what I meant so I quickly tried changing the subject. "We should go to bed." Tom seemed to get a bit scared when I said that. "C...can I stay with you tonight? I don't feel safe knowing that some of them are still out there." I smiled. "Of course." 

Hey people. I know this is a bit short, although I rewrote it, but let me know what you think. I think it's a step up from what it was before but it's still not as great as it can be.

TomTord Oneshots [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن