Chapter 12: Talking Things Out

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:: Penny For Your Thoughts ::

Hinata had managed to get free.

It took all her will but she broke out from the wolf's unhealthy touches. She rose above the second bouts of infidelity to spare their bodies precious torment in rapid lust within that shower. The steam would never reach their twisted forms while they drove each other against the rushing waters.

She said, 'No!', to Uchiha Sasuke. She put that foot down and spoke the trut-

She snuck out the bathroom.

But! The stuff before that is what she told herself she did so she could ignore how pissed off the raven was about her little lie to come back bare-assed and ready for him. She coughed and sat there all nervously with her folded towel and cloth, blushing like mad. 'He's going to c-come out naked, isn't he?' The mere thought made her stutter in her mind. A place that wasn't so perfect anymore the longer she stayed in his company, and she didn't mind it.

There were no chains here with him. No burning of her wrists or ears from hurtful words or bad embraces.

The bathroom door eventually opened and presented her with steam surrounding a very, handsome, wet, extremely pissed man. From his shoulders to his broad chest, dear lo- She could only shake her head and look him up and down in that long towel. "I-I'm sorry." She wasn't saying that to him. She had to apologize to the discomfort between her thighs. 'I'm so sorry.' She couldn't give in, not for a second.

"You're sorry?" Sasuke groaned and then yawned, not stretching at all. He just showed off his canines that the woman wanted back all over her body again. "Do you have any idea how long I've been in there waiting for you?"

He didn't look like he was hard anymore so she took a guess. "Two h-hours?"

The raven chuckled and shook his head, walking over the bunny who had a very interesting face when she was attracted or as she would claim, 'distracted.' He stopped before her and tilted her chin up with a digit. "Not long enough."

He was in there for thirty minutes tops. "But I can go back if you're going."

"Oka- No!" Hinata shook that head again, standing up abruptly and walking straight into him. "I-I'm sorry. I- Oh.. uh." She'd dropped her stuff so her hands kind of floated over him to brace herself. She lost her train of thought. "Ah. um..." What day is it? Where is she? She tried to play it off, clearing her throat and kneeling down to pick up her stuff that he had to join her in for some reason. Their eyes locked as they came back up, him being the winner in reaching her towel and rag first.

He handed it to her beautiful self, asking, "Are you sure?"

'Yes.' Instead of verbally saying so, she nodded. Hinata thought that the end of it, heat surfacing to her face when he kissed her forehead.

"Fine. Take your time and enjoy it then."

"E-Eh?" Hinata blinked at the skip of her heart beat, staring up to his ridiculous smirking self.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Oh..." He sighed and caressed that flush of red on her face. "I missed." The wolf cupped her face completely and gave her a tender enough kiss on her soft lips... and then another followed by a third and fifth that he ended on her cheek. That didn't seem to fix anything though. She still stood there in a daze like this treatment was a first for her. "Hinata."


"Are you going to shower or just let me do whatever I want to you?"

Mixing the two never hurt a single person. This bunny got all flustered when her head went there. She shook it to and fro in denial, hurrying off to the bathroom. "Be right back!"

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