Chapter 6: Episode 2- Pt 1

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:: Warm Up ::

Hinata flatlined at the previous comment, hands bunched up near her chest. All of her natural color from her head to her shoulders turned into the tip of a thermometer. That light and easy ruffle to her hair only escalated her bashful state. 'He-!' She couldn't even think straight. 'Why?!' He must have been joking. That's it! Everyone else was still pretty much laughing and Sasuke looked as smug as ever. For her to calm down, she had to believe so. They were just messing with her... Lilys shifted down dismally and didn't stay there long. In one swift motion, she was spun around and pulled against the wolf.

If she hadn't made such a sad face, this would have never happened. Sasuke granted her shocked self a moment to breath before he leaned over her burning shoulders to say impatiently, "Well?"

His pack made her temp worse.

"Woah, correct me if I'm wrong but, ain't you married to a demo- Never mind. I understand." Suigetsu puffed at a stray strand of white."Forget I said anything."

"He really does need it, hun. It's hard trying to make a bonfire with two sticks." Karin picked on the raven and his wife, grinning when he flipped her off too. Her and her husband were now even on his bucket list.

"I have no comment but... do continue." Jugo chuckled at how conflicted the raven appeared though he was just helping like everyone else. "Is there a problem now, Sasuke?"

"No, I just- Actually I think we're done with the stretches." Sasuke casually shooed that in as much as he could, hands on his hips as he finally moved from behind the flustered to hell and back woman. "I'm good at least so let's get to the actual warm ups. You alright with that?"

The shaky housewife nodded quickly, unable to speak or get her color back for a minute. She was borderline inches away from fainting and then some. 'He's just joking! They're all just joking very very inappropriately!' She told herself this over and over again as she followed them to one of the many rows of standard treadmills. She unconsciously picked one next to Sasuke, regretting it when he smirked at her on the side. "W-What?"

"Nothing." He told a fib, setting the timer for ten minutes and a speed of 2 going on up to 4 mph. This was practically a very light jog that didn't take much energy. He could play on his phone and keep going as his friends all fell into their own routines.

Jugo got on his headphones for the short few minutes that would end with two or three good songs.

Karin enjoyed her powerwalk slash jog on 5 mph with enough energy to light up the place. As for her husband, he yawned and could honestly do their warm up limit in his sleep at this point.

Their alpha meanwhile spent his time checking for any messages and or warnings from his wife. His family had kept calling him still and his brother even sent a text that he didn't bother to read. He sighed and dropped his phone back in his pocket. He stole a glimpse of Hinata to see... she had stepped her speed up to six and got a cute jog going on. He did a double take at that, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "Try hard much?"

"Uh, no? This is normal for me. What about you?" First and foremost, Hinata didn't mean to throw shade. She would recatch it if she could. Her question was one of simple interest in what he did and why when it came to warm ups. That intense twitch of his brow and quirk in his lips, enabled her to see he'd taken that all kinds of wrong. His friends were no exception.

"What do you mean by that?"

"She low key just called you weak." Karin snickered with her husband one tread down from them.

"No I didn't!" Hinata tried but no matter how much she shook her head or looked innocent... the challenge had been initiated. "I didn't!"

"Hn." Sasuke grunted and pressed the top key up five times. At 8 mph this was still a decent and trivial running speed for him. To beat her out more, he added some percentage to the incline.

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