Chapter 7: Episode 2 Pt 2

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:: Going Up In More Ways Than One ::

There were four streams of light cutting through the town park's forest on the way to the small mountain side. Anyone out for a night stroll might feel the urge to report the queer sight. There the police would come to find the rowdy bunch within, zooming among the trees recklessly.

Jugo guided the way since everyone else seemed to want to goof off or hang back in the growing darkness.

"No hands!" Karin zipped by the more quieter pair with her arms out. Her husband jumped over her from a downed tree nearby arched on a boulder. He was just laughing like a maniac the whole time. If either of them crash, they'll be alright.

"So how do you want to do this? We can take Suigetsu out first." Sasuke and Hinata lagged behind some, going at a slower pace to let her adjust.

She giggled and shook her head, enjoying the ride and even the insane company. She then sighed in content and rested back, relinquishing control of the bike to him. He'd proven himself more than capable of keeping his word so far. "Let them live... for now." She smiled and closed her eyes, opening them to the darkening sky overhead. The rushing breeze was like a massage all over her body and the easy atmosphere beat away her fear of anything. She could relax and enjoy the little things like the glitter specs above through the tree leaves.

Sasuke, in turn, was granted her company and attempted to watch the path simultaneously. This was fine. Him noticing her breathing and how it slowed with each passing moment, was only a passenger safety measure type of thing. He was being courteous... "You know you can take a nap if you want. I'll wake you when we get there."

"Hm, okay then..." She pressed against him more, head tilted back and to the side, shutting her eyes slowly. Drowning out the fools screaming their fun up ahead did become somewhat manageable.

That was all thanks to Sasuke deciding to decrease their speed. He absolutely did not do this to make the ride up last longer than it should. He had no intentions of delaying the inevitable. He was just trying to keep the noise down for her... her sweet self. How did Naruto get a wife this precious? It made him sick inside and bit on the jelly spectrum too. He bet the blond must be freaking out by now. How unfair of him it was to have her here, not by his initial doing either. 'I gotta get her back.' They could always hang out another time... like good friends is all.

Nothing more.

Nothing more like what? Sasuke accidentally let his mind go, 'Huh, what else is there to be?' Special X buddies were a thing and she seemed to frown about it. 'She has a right too. She's married so it must seem unlawful.' If one isn't in a relationship then it's really not that bad in his opinion. She wouldn't be a terrible partner either to... have. He dry swallowed and shifted onyx down to the stacked woman up against him. She possessed plush lips, soft skin and beautiful hair in need of pullin- He caught himself and jerked his head up, staring ahead and reminding himself that he'd kick his own ass if he ever thought of her like that again.... Then let's call him a gluten for torture because his thoughts went on rampage after he hit rocky terrain during the second transition into the mountain side. 'Fuck... Fuck... Fuck!' He became pissed and then some as each bump brought her down smack on his lap. 'How many fucking rocks are there on this fucking hill?!'

To fucking many.

His friends were having a good time at least and Karin even had the spirits to slow down and chat with the steaming raven. "Aww, she fell asleep! Ain't she a dol- Oh!" She saw the problem when they hit another uneven surface. Naruto's wife bounced in her sleep ever so lightly but near damning to her driver. "You holding it in there?"

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