Chapter 8: End Of Episode 2- The Catalyst

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:: Immediate Problems ::

After a series of curses and scrapes later, they did eventually make it back to her home in one piece. The driver, forever Sasuke, pulled up near the sidewalk just in front of the driveway path. He took his time turning off the ignition and acting tired from the fight, which he was. He was getting too old for this mess, but his head wasn't listening. "Last stop, Uzumaki residence. Get off at your own risk."

'Ha-ha.' She shook her head and smiled at the sarcastic wolf who gave a half one back. "You're so mea-"

"Oh Hinata, it was so nice to meet you!" Karin hugged and surprised the lavender woman from behind the seat.

"I-I'm glad to have m-met you guys too!" She really was even if they were a bit off.

"Good, you should hang out with us again sometime then! You don't have to use Sasuke as an excuse either. We can honestly do without him most times," she whispered the last part with a hand up, blocking out the raven.

Sasuke leaned forward, brow twitching at the jest. "She's not going anywhere with you guys without me around." He couldn't trust them to keep their mouth shut let alone behave properly. "She'd never make it back the same because of you lunatics."

"That's... That's so true." Suigetsu shed one manly tear wiped by his wife who sniffled too. "I didn't think you were capable of giving anyone a compliment but... Thank you."

"He really does notice us!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes at them, mouthing silently to Hinata, 'Don't leave me!'

The housewife shook that ponytail and snickered, opening the door. "I'm sorry."

"Hn." He groaned and kicked his door side open, leaving his friends behind to overreact alone. "Well, at least Naruto isn't home."

"Mhm..." Hinata looked to the empty drive-way in worry. Her husband might actually still be out searching for her, or he'd given up and gone back to work. "I'll call him when I get inside."

"That might be best." He walked her to the door, hands back in his pockets because he felt something akin to nervousness this time. An unease that gave him vibes back to his teenager days after his first date. Not that this was a date. It wasn't a date! He couldn't shout that in his head enough. 'I think I'm hungry.' Yeah, all that talk of pizza and kicking his friend's ass had to have given him the hunger pains or something... Back to pizza though, he had something to ask the woman he walked in silence with all the way up to her door. He let her search for her keys first.

Three minutes later and she was still searching. He found out a lot in that instance. When Hinata can't find something, she'll keep looking for it though it's obvious there is nothing on her person. She's wearing tights. There ain't no pockets on those things. He didn't complain and let her continue to feel all over herself. 'I'm sure it's in there somewhere.' He looked back to his friends, pointing with a thumb on the sly at the panicking woman. 'Do you see this?'

Karin's husband grumbled out of annoyance that he had to sit there for god knows how long now. She, herself, had other opinions and plans. "Did you lose your keys, Hinata? We can break you in!"

And have her husband kill her for ruining their new home already? Hinata spun around to wave her off. "No, no it's fine! I just ugh- ... darn it." Her shoulders dropped in shame as she hung her head. "I'll have to get through one of the windows without breaking it or... just wait till he gets home.."

"What for?" He didn't chuckle no matter how much he wanted to at her defeated pose.

"I lost my keys and m-my phone... and Naruto's jacket."

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