Reign of the Children Part 2

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A/N: Catholic_mArYaRagOn suggested this story. I wasn't sure what to do with it, but here it is.
TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY?!?! I wasn't expecting that.

Katherine of Aragon- NoWay

Anne Boleyn- GreenSleeves@RedLipstick

Jane Seymour- HeartofStone

Anna of Cleves- Queen@Castle

Katheryn Howard- The10AmongstThese3's

Catherine Parr- IDon'tNeedYourLove

Edward- Doggie15

Mary- CatholicLady

Elizabeth- VirginQueen

Mae- Died@2

Thomas Seymour- TheBestSeymour

How Mae had a phone was anyone's guess- other than Anne, of course. She went out and brought the phone for Mae. 'Mae is five,' Cathy roars when she found out what happened.
'Relax, the only piece of social media I allowed her to use is the group chat we're all in,' Anne says. 'Nothing bad can happen.'

Cathy checks her phone.

CatholicLady, VirginQueen and Died@2 sent you friend requests

Cathy checks each of their profiles. VirginQueen is obviously Elizabeth. She posted up all sorts of strange stuff, and Cathy wonders briefly where that came from. CatholicLady is Mary, and she is posting up a lot of things about Catholicism (no surprise there, Cathy tells herself). The one that struck her as peculiar is Died@2. She clicks on their profile.

And there is Mae.

Her profile is full of unicorns and different drawings. Cathy smiles and immediately accepted all of the friend requests.

The10AmongstThese3's: Mae, these are so cute!
Died@2: Thanks @The10AmongstThese3's
HeartofStone: I love these drawings

Cathy begins typing a comment under Mae's most recent drawing, a drawing of her and Anne.

IDon'tNeedYourLove: @Died@2 I never knew you could draw this well. This is incredible.
Died@2: Thanks, Mum
TheBestSeymour: WTH?
HeartofStone: I suggest you block him, Died@2
TheBestSeymour: You are meant to be standing up for me @HeartofStone. @IDon'tNeedYourLove, we are going for therapy

Died@2 has blocked TheBestSeymour

The10AmongstThese3's has changed their username to PinkSparklyHeels19

PinkSparklyHeels19: Finally away with that song lyric.
Queen@Castle: I liked it
VirginQueen: Are you two going to start bickering again?
IDon'tNeedYourLove: I prefer the new username
PinkSparklyHeels19: Thanks
Died@2: I love the new username
Doggie15: Anyone want to go to the fair?
NoWay: Edward, I thought we said you couldn't go!
Doggie15: You said you couldn't let me go alone. There's a difference.
NoWay: *insert surprised emoji*
HeartofStone: We should have been clearer

GreenSleeves@RedLipstick changed their name to HEELEYS!

NoWay: Anne, NUUU!
HEELEYS!: @PinkSparklyHeels19 wanna go to the fair?
PinkSparklyHeels19: Umm...
Doggie15: Just a suggestion
CatholicLady: It's all going to kick off

NoWay changed their username to HatingthatBoleynGirl

HeartofStone: Katherine, no!

HEELEYS! Changed their name to HatingAragon

HeartofStone: Anne, no!

IDon'tNeedYourLove changed their username to LovingPinkSparklyHeels19

Queen@Castle: Am I missing something?
PinkSparklyHeels19: Nooo...
LovingPinkSparklyHeels19: No...
VirginQueen: Looks suspicious

CatholicLady changed their username to LadyTudor1

VirginQueen changed their username to LadyTudor2

LadyTudor1: You're copying me! Change your username back
LadyTudor2: Shan't!
Queen@Castle: @PinkSparklyHeels19 are you going to change your username back?
PinkSparklyHeels19: Nope

Died@2 has posted an image.

HatingthatBoleynGirl: So cool!
LadyTudor1: Wish I had your art style @Died@2
LadyTudor2: Love it

Doggie15 has liked Died@2's image

Died@2: Thanks for all the positive comments
PinkSparklyHeels19: Aww!
LovingPinkSparklyHeels19: This is awesome
HeartofStone: Keep up the excellent work @Died@2
HatingAragon: So cute!
Doggie15: love it!

Queen@Castle has changed their username to Hounds@Hunting

Hounds@Hunting: Anyone going to ask me about the change of username?
PinkSparklyHeels19: Nope
HatingAragon: Nope
HatingthatBoleynGirl: No
HeartofStone: Stop changing your usernames!

Hounds@Hunting has changed their username to Queen@Castle

HatingAragon has changed their username to HEELEYS!

HatingthatBoleynGirl has changed their username to NoWay

HeartofStone: Thank you

Died@2 has changed their username to SudeleyParr1548

SudeleyParr1548: @HeartofStone I wanted something less depressing than Died@2
PinkSparklyHeels19: Understand
HEELEYS!: Understand
LovingPinkSparklyHeels19: Much better than Died@2. I love the new username @SudeleyParr1548
HeartofStone: Stop changing your usernames! 

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