Katheryn Howard x Reader

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A/N: 6ySinnamonRoll suggested this story. Thanks for the ideas!
Y/N means 'your name'.

You patiently wait for Katheryn in the warmth of your car. It's a year ago since you asked her out, and remember the relief flooding your body when she said yes. Before that, you were sneaking glances at her, wondering about the story behind her. Not many teenagers dye their hair pink, nor do they have a scar around their neck. When you saw a group of boys bullying her that one time, you had to step in. When Katheryn thanked you, you couldn't get the words out, but seeing the pink-haired teenager smile was enough for you to ask her out.

Now, a year after small café dates and going to the cinema, you are waiting to pick Katheryn up from school as you go to meet her family. This is the first time you will meet them.

As your shaking hands clutch at the steering wheel, Katheryn hops into the car, kissing you on the cheek. She is wearing the choker you brought her on one of your dates into town, and you smile at her. "Thanks for agreeing to drive us there, Y/N."
"No problem," you gingerly start the engine and crawl forward out of the school car park. "Can you get the Satnav out of the glove box?" As Katheryn fishes out the Satnav and begins typing in the address, you try not to look nervous.
"My family might be crazy, but they will love you," she assures you. "But, before we get there, there's something I should tell you."

All of the worst things pop into your head- she wants to stay friends, her father is a psychopath who will murder you in your sleep if you dare hurt his baby angel, her mum can burn the house down without even lighting a match.

"I live with five other women. We're not exactly a family- well, Anne is my cousin, so-" You begin letting out a shaky laugh. Out of everything you thought Katheryn would say, this is the last thing you expected. "You were expecting something else, weren't you? Well, no, this is it."
"Thank goodness for that."

"Jane Seymour adopted me when we first arrived in the 21st century."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Oh, sorry, it feels like you already know. Let me go back to the beginning." By this time, you are out of the school car park and driving down the road. "All of the women I live with were once married to my ex-husband." You swerve over, trying to take it all in. A teenager, married? This is your girlfriend, and before meeting you, there was no way she could have married; she's too young for it.
"You... married?"
"Yes. My ex is the sort that would cry 'off with their heads' and people will do it for them."
"That..." You pause to think of any suitable language you can use. While Katheryn never said that she didn't like swear words, you still don't like using them around her, "... Idiot. Tell me his name, and I'll break his nose for you."
"There's no way you can do that, even though I'd love you for it. No, our ex is long dead. He was alive in the 1500s like all of us were."
"All of you?"
"All of the women I live with."
"I see, I think..."
"Anyway, we were all married to the same guy, he divorced two of us, executed my cousin and me-"
"Whoa, I think I need a break."

As you think about it, you realise something. "At school, you're called Katheryn Howard. You said that you and your cousin were executed. You can't be that Katheryn Howard. Can you?"
"Yes, I am that Katheryn Howard and my cousin is 'That Boleyn Girl' as she likes to style herself when introducing herself to new people."
"Thanks for the warning. Who else are you living with?"
"The rest of my husband's exes."
"You- I'm going to- Why do you drop these bombshells on me?"

"I couldn't precisely tell you on our first date, 'Hey Y/N, I'm Katheryn Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife. Jane Seymour and Katherine of Aragon adopted me, and I live with the rest of his exes.' How would that have gone down?"
"But still, telling me this now..."
"I'm sorry I should have said sooner."
"No, you wouldn't know how I would react. You're wise to keep this a secret. Not many people will believe you." As the two of you talk, you draw up to the house. "Is it this one?"
"That's right," Katheryn grins as you stop the engine and climb out of the car.

"Here we go," you say as Katheryn takes your hand. You ring the doorbell, waiting nervously in front of the door. When the door opens, a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes greet you. She is wearing a white t-shirt, a black skirt and a grey cardigan.
"Hi, Y/N. Katheryn said you were coming. My name's Jane, come on in."
"Hi," you say as the pair of you walk in. You talk your shoes off at the door, which Jane compliments you for.
"Your parents must have raised you well."
"They did," you agree.

As Katheryn leads you into the lounge, another woman, this time with long, dark hair in space buns and wearing a green dress, jumps up and shakes your hand. "Hi, Y/N, I'm that Boleyn girl."
"Thanks for the head's up, Katheryn," You grin.
"Oh, Kitty, you ruined my fun. Hey, guys! Kitty brought her special someone home!" At the sound of Anne's voice, three other women appear.

"Hi, Y/N, Kitty talks about you all the time," a woman in a yellow tank top and black jeans shakes your hand.
"KATHERINE!" Katheryn moans. "I thought you said we would not talk about that in front of y/n."
"We never agreed on anything." Katherine goes to join Jane, and you watch them talking for a moment before a woman wearing a blue t-shirt with a black cardigan, and jogging bottoms appear.

"Hey, I'm Catherine Parr, but you can call me Cathy."
"Hi, Cathy. It's great to see you. I hear from Kitty that you enjoy reading. What books do you like?"
"I started reading To Kill A Mockingbird recently, and it's a fantastic book. What do you think about it?"
"I haven't read it yet, but I'll add it to my reading list."

As you begin socialising with the other women Kitty lives with, you notice that Kitty is standing off to the side, looking nervous. "Kitty?" You ask. "You all right?"
"I thought that the others wouldn't like you, or they wouldn't want me to be in a relationship." But Kitty breaks into a smile, taking your hand. "But I'm glad we did this. I'm glad that you're helping me move forward."
"If you want to talk about anything, no matter how crazy, I'll listen to you."
"Thank you, y/n."

As the evening draws in, you check your watch. The queens invite you to stay for dinner, and Jane cooks your favourite meal. However, as time ticks on, you know you have to go home. The queens say goodbye to you, and Kitty sees you outside. "Hey, y/n. I got this for you." She hands a small parcel over to you.
"Kitty, you didn't have to do that. Being with you, seeing you smile, that's enough to make me happy."
"I know, but it's so that if we ever part ways, you have something to remember me by." As you hug your girlfriend, you know that you will stay by Kitty; it's the least she deserves in her new life. 

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