Haus of Holbein

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Cleves: After Jane's death, Henry found he was running out of women to marry ing England. We are going to Germany for his next wife, where he enlists the help of a legendary Tudor painter, you might have heard of him. (The lights dim, all the queens are now wearing ruffs and green sunglasses). Hans... Holbein!

Welcome to the house

All: To the Haus of Holbein
Ooh Ja!
Das ist gut
Ooh Ja!
The Haus of Holbein.

Aragon: Hans Holbein goes around the world
Parr: Painting all of the beautiful girls
Seymour: From Spain
Howard: To France
Cleves: And Germany
Boleyn: The King chooses one
All: But which one will it be?

Aragon and Seymour: You bring the corsets
Boleyn and Howard: We'll bring the cinches
Cleves: No one wants a waist over nine inches
All but Howard: So what the makeup contains lead poison?
Howard: At least your complexion will bring all the boys in

All: Ignore the fear and you'll be fine
We'll turn this vier into a nine
So just say 'Ja' and don't say 'nein'
Parr: 'Cause now you're in the house

All: In the Haus of Holbein
Ooh Ja
Das ist gut
Ooh Ja
The Haus of Holbein

Boleyn: We must make sure the princesses look great
When their time comes for a Holbein portrait
Cleves: We know what all the best inventions are
To hold everything up
Howard: Ja, it's wunderbar
Aragon: For blonder hair then you just add a magical ingredient
Seymour: From your bladder
Parr: Try these heels, so high it's naughty
All: But we cannot guarantee that you'll still walk at forty

Ignore the fear and you'll be fine
We'll turn this vier into a nine
So just say 'Ja' and don't say 'nein'

Parr: 'Cause now you're in the house
All: In the Haus of Holbein!
Ooh Ja!
Das ist gut
Ooh Ja!
The Haus of Holbein

Parr: Your Highness, the time has come for you to select a bride. May we present Christina of Denmark! She is delighted to become your bride and will secure the line of succession. (The sound of a cross) Never mind, she is betrothed to the Duke of Milan.
Boleyn: Your Highness, this is Amalia of Cleves, a young German duchess trying to live the English dream. (The sound of a cross). Nein?
Aragon: Who's next?
Seymour: Who is available?
Howard: Anna!
Aragon: Your Highness, Your Highness, may we present Anna of Cleves? She is the most beautiful, and heterosexual, woman in the Christendom. (The sound of a tick).
Howard: Great choice!
Seymour: I can see the history books now. People will learn about you and your famous four wives for years to come. (She hugs Howard).
Aragon: (takes Seymour's hand) There is no need to thank us, the pleasure is ours. Ladies, I think we're done here!
(Everyone but Anna of Cleves leaves the stage. Howard pops her head round again.)
Howard: Anna? 

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