Aragon's daughter is gone (Part 3 of Queens United)

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A/N: I know this chapter was a long time coming, but I wanted to get it out there. I am also writing another Six the musical fanfiction (a crossover with The Sarah Jane Adventures) called Emma's Six if you want to check it out. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

After Edward and Elizabeth disappeared, all the queens began to spend more time with Mary and Mae. Katherine knows that should something happen to Mary; she will spend the rest of her days searching for her daughter. Anne and Jane have already started exploring the streets, calling for Elizabeth and Edward. It breaks Katherine's heart that neither child found their way home. Even though she isn't particularly close to either Elizabeth or Edward, she knows that their mothers are devastated.

That day, Katherine is looking after Mary and Kitty with Jane and Anna's help. While Jane is preparing lunch, Kitty is in the back garden with Anna. The two of them are playing on Kitty's play castle, something Kitty never lets the other queens do. As Katherine watches them out of the window, she hears the rustle of a newspaper as Mary scours the news. They have posted missing posters over the town, talked to journalists, hoping that someone will come forward with valuable information. After a few minutes, Katherine sits beside her daughter. 'They'll turn up,' Katherine assures her daughter.
'But if something happens to them, it will be my fault.'
'No, it won't, never blame yourself, Mary. We could never have anticipated anyone kidnapping Elizabeth and Edward.'
'But I was there. I should have done something more to stop it.'
'Hey, everything will be all right. We're here for you.' Eventually, Mary cries herself to sleep.

'How is she?' Anna asks as Katherine backs out of the room. She had come in from the garden as she has some stuff to do inside.
'Mary's asleep now. She needs the rest. Does Jane need any help?'
'Probably. I'll wake Mary when lunch is ready.' Katherine heads downstairs to help her girlfriend. Katherine spots Kitty outside. She is still playing, a sight that warms Katherine's heart.

Upstairs, the window opens, letting a soft draft inside. Mary begins stirring, opens her eyes and sees a man in her room. She jumps up on her bed and tries to call for help. The man covers her mouth. Mary elbows him in the stomach as someone else climbs into the room. 'Bind her,' the first man says as he begins writing a note.
'Help! Mum!' One of the men covers Mary's mouth, and the other binds her before going back to the note.
'Get the brat out of here.' Mary's room is on the first floor, but facing the back garden. They plan to get Mary out of the house via a window at the front.

They are about to leave when the door opens. 'Mary?' Kitty asks. 'Lunch is- SOMEONE IS TRYING TO KIDNAP MARY!' Kitty pulls her phone out and is about to call the police when one of the men knocks her out.

When Kitty next comes to, Anna is beside Kitty. She can hear Jane on the phone, calling the police. Katherine is sobbing. That's when everything comes back to Kitty; two men kidnapped Mary. 'We have to find Mary. Two men kidnapped her; they might be in league with the two that kidnapped Lizzie and Edward.'

When the police arrive, they take a statement from everyone, and they add Mary to the list of missing people. 'Is there anyone who wants to do you harm?' One of the officers asks.
'We had a phone call a couple of days earlier,' Jane says. 'The person on the other side said he would make our lives a living hell.'

The police continue working. Anne and Cathy return as the police are leaving. 'What happened?' Cathy asks.
'Mary's gone,' Kitty says. Katherine's sobs are still filling the air. She is in her daughter's room, and Kitty knows better than to disturb her. But Kitty believes that it's her fault that Mary is gone. She should have fought, done what she could to protect her stepdaughter. Then a horrible thought crosses Kitty's mind.

What if Mary is dead because of her?

No, Kitty, don't think like that, Kitty tells herself. But it is a horrible thought and one she wants out of her head. But what about Elizabeth and Edward? They are part of this family, as much as Mary.

That night, Kitty begins charging up her phone, packing a bag with warm clothes. She then sits on her bed and finds a pad and pen. She has to tell the queens what is going on. But how to begin? Kitty then gets an idea and starts writing. 

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