Nick is headed to the cabin. I am busy so I sent him in my place. Tell me how moving Amara goes –Josh

Hence, we are forced to say our goodbyes to the kids who made Shadow promise them that she will visit them again. We decide to walk to the cabin, I wanted to turn into my wolf form, but Shadow claimed that she would like to enjoy some peace before she has to be in the same room as my mother.
Other male wolves would have felt offended or disrespected hearing their mate talk about their mother in such an unpleasant way. I, however, do not feel that way. After all, the feelings that Shadow has towards my mother are nothing but a result of my mother's actions. Also, Shadow never insulted my parents; whenever she talks about them she just expresses her dislike for them and how uncomfortable she feels being around them. I am ashamed to admit that lately my feelings towards them mirror my mate's.
"Why is Joshua so busy? I mean did you give him any mission to carry out?" Shadow breaks the tranquil silence surrounding us.
"Well knowing Josh, I bet you he gave himself a mission to bury himself in as much books as he can in order to find something that will help with our situation." I get closer to her and hold her hand as we walk. The simple act of tightening her hand around mine brings me happiness.
"Owen will not notice what we are doing, will he?" She turns her head and faces me with a concerned look in her green eyes. Small strands of her platinum hair escape her braid and attack her face due to the wind. I am tempted to pull them behind her ears, but one of the many things I have learned about Shadow is that she hates clichés. Thus, I restrain the urge.
"Do not worry honey; both Nolan and Clay are with him. They will keep us updated on his movements." I notice her body slightly relax at that. The rest of our walk is quiet.
When we approach the cabin, we see Nick standing at the door waiting for us. Once his eyes land on us, he gives us a lazy smirk.
"Hello love birds." His eyes focus on our intertwined hands. I feel my cheeks heat up and I am about to let go of Shadow's hand, but she does not allow me to as she refuses to relinquish my hand.
"Hello Nick." She gives him a fake sweet smile.
"Is everything ready?" I ask.
"Yes, I teleported their stuff to the house. Listen man, there is still time to change your mind; your house is going to be crowded. And no offense, but with your mother around, we will lose every ounce of privacy we have."
"You live in Joshua's house." Shadow gives him a raised eyebrow.
"Exactly, I do not live in the house, and I feel scared for you!" The witch hisses at us. I only chuckle at him. He is right; having my mother live in my house will be extremely unsettling, but I would do anything to keep her safe. Also, it is only temporary until this whole crisis is over.
"Speaking of Josh, where is he?" I change the subject.
"Oh you know him, he is drowning in his books believing that one of them will give him the answers to every problem we have." Nick rolls his eyes at his brother's behavior.
I told you. I tell Shadow through the mind-link. I feel her smile at that.
I think he prefers books over people. She replies.
Well, you are not wrong.
"Finally, you are here." My mother emerges from the cabin with Lorenza right behind her.
"Are you ready?" I keep my voice devoid from any emotion.
"Yes I am ready. I cannot believe you forced me to come to this abandoned cabin." She mutters, but I pretend to not hear her as I turn to Chance's mate.
"Can you tell Amara and Hope to come outside?" Lorenzo only nods before she goes back into the cabin.
"So, where is your father?" My mother asks me as she glares at Shadow.
"He told me to tell you that he will miss you while he is gone."
"That is not the answer I wanted." She snaps at me while pointing her finger in my face. I take a moment to study her; she has gained weight since the last time I saw her, minus the day before, and it is clear now that she is pregnant even though her baby pump is small.
"Well, it is the only answer you are getting." I do not know what it is, it could be my blank voice or my low tone, but she puts her finger down, and does not say anything more.
I would never disrespect my mother, but I am not going to pretend that she is a good person or that her actions do not hurt me.
"Alpha." Amara practically runs to me and clings to my left arm like her life depends on it. I look at Hope and give her a nod to which she replies with a smile.
"How are you today Amara?" I look down at her and give her a soft smile.
"I want to leave." She practically hugs me from the side.
"Okay, Nick will teleport you to my house, okay?" Immediately, she vigorously shakes her head and a tear falls down her good eye.
"No, do not leave me. I want to stay with my alpha." I am tempted to convince her that Nick will not hurt her, but I know that I will only waste my energy.
I look around the people with me at the cabin's door as I calculate my options. Whatever we do, we have to make sure that Owen does not notice that Amara is leaving the cabin.
"Okay, here is what we are going to do. I will turn into my wolf form and have Amara sit on my back. I will run to the house. The rest of you go with Nick; he will teleport you into the house. Wait for me in the living room." They all nod except for Shadow.
"I am coming with you."
"Okay." I nod approvingly.
Hope hugs Amara for a few seconds before she walks to Nick and her teleports her, Lorenza, and my mother to my house. I sigh at that before I turn to Shadow.
"I will turn first, once I am in my wolf form, help Amara get on my back and then turn. We will run side by side. Okay?" Once she nods, I take both my shirt and pants off causing Amara to gasp and close her good eye. I smile at her as I feel my bones break.
Do you want to take control? I ask Amoux as I pull myself into a sitting position to make it easier for Amara to get on my back.
No thank you. He blocks me; he seems to be in a bad mood. Thus, I leave him alone.
Shadow helps Amara get on my back, then she takes her clothes off, turns into her blonde wolf, puts her clothes between her sharp teeth, and looks at me.
Okay, I am ready. Accalia says through the mind-link.
We both start running, and although Amara practically takes my fur out with her tight grip, I still feel a little content. I love running with Shadow in our wolf forms; it gives me clarity. 

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