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After chilling there for a few i got up to give the animals food."Lets get food Hades" i spoke up and immediately jumped off of me and his long whip like tail started wagging. I got up and walked downstairs to see everyone enjoying their time , even the boys were laughing. I went to my kitchen ."Go get your food bowl" I told him , he ran and wiggled his way through the people and came back with his food bowl. He jumped up and placed it on the counter . He jumped off and sat there waiting patiently.I got his food and added it to the bowl , i added all the supplements he needed and mixed it together.

I took the bowl "on edge Hades" i told him and he walked with me .I made a path through the family members and put his bowl down on the grass cause he tends to make a mess when he eats.

I then gave Mickey food and she was so excited.I took Cara's food up to my room since she doesn't like people that much. I went back downstairs and poured myself a glass of wine . I walked out to the group and saw Melanie with my mom. When she saw me she made grabby hands and started giggling.

I put my wine glass on the side table and walked towards her."Where is my little princess " i asked in a baby voice and she giggled. My mom handed her over to me and i lifted her up and gave her multiple kisses which made her laugh.She fiddled with my hair and I kissed her forehead. I walked over to the boys where they were chatting with my uncles."Why didn't Uncle dance dance come" i asked when they stopped talking.

"Jesica had a volleyball game and she broke her knee halfway through the game so they are at the hospital for her to go to surgery" Uncle Sam explained.I saw Melanie staring at someone and started smiling. I looked up and saw Mitch making funny faces my heart did backflips as I watched in awe."This is Melanie , Ethan's daughter and she is 5 months old" I smiled as I introduced her to the boys.

She wanted Mitch to hold her. He looked unsure cause he looked up at me and his facial expression showed it. "Here hold her" i spoke up and passed her to him. He didn't know how to hold her. "Hold you arm beneath her bum and your hand on her back to support her."i explained helping him.My grandparents decided to head home since it was getting late."Should i go get Cara for you she's hiding in my room" I asked Nanna Lesa and she nodded.I rescued Cara and my Nan asked me if she could have her and I agreed.

We walked upstairs and i opened my room door. Cara jumped off my bed and headed straight to my Nanna. Cara stood on her back legs stretching upwards."if she does this she wants you to pick her up" i spoke up and my Nan picked her up. Cara started purring already."I'll get her bed , scratching post and food bowls for you " i suggested and got everything."Her food bowls come with lids for travel " i explained to my Nan as I put the lids on the bowls. I carried everything out to her car and stuffed it in the backseat.

I hugged them all tightly and said goodbye .I waved at them as they pulled out of the yard. I walked back inside and out to the backyard. "Lennie I didn't know you owned a wiener" Josh asked and it made me laugh quite loudly

I picked Mickey up. "This is Mickey"I introduced and cradled her in my arms."And Hades" I called him and he popped out from behind the people and came over to me. "Guard" I told him and he sat between my legs.I crouched down and tried to pick him up and got it half way. "This is my little love bug Hades" i kissed his massive forehead and he smiled."Hades say hello to the boys " i told Hades and he howled that sounded like hello.

"No fucking way that hellhound just said hello" Eddie couldn't believe it. I nodded with a smile."He's nothing but a little sweetheart " i chooed and Hades wagged his tail."I've never seen a pitbull this big before" Mully replied."He is a pure breed xxl pitbull " i explained and they understood.

I saw Melanie sleeping in Mitch's arms more like against his chest and I gestured him to follow me. We walked inside and up the stairs i went into my brother's room and showed him the cot to put her in. He layed her down and we walked out quietly and closed the door.

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