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Leana's pov

Barbecue in full swing..

I was sitting with Aunt Kat and Aunt Stas along with my mom talking about fashion and music.

"Im obsessed with your song its always been you" Aunt Stas complimented and I thanked her.

"But I'm quitting music and decided to only do youtube" i stated and nodded my head. I explained the reason and they agreed that its best .

"Its almost 5 you should get something to eat Leana " Aunt Amber suggested and looked at her phone. "Uh im not hungry at the moment, i dont have an appetite today " i explained and my mom reassured me that its okay.

"Yo Lennie " Ethan called me and I excused myself. He was recording a video on his phone."Why are you recording me Ethan?" i asked confused on why he's shoving his phone in my face."There are people outside waiting for you" he replied and i was even more confused."But everyone is here im not expecting anyone?"i questioned and looked at the backyard.I walked to the front door and Ethan followed.

I opened my front door and saw the boys standing there but most importantly i saw my Mitch Marner standing with them.I covered my face and started sobbing

"Oh my fucking God" I yelled . I sprinted and jumped into Mitch's arms and he spun me around I obviously sobbed uncontrollably.

I released the hug and kissed him. He let me down and they group hugged me. "What are you guys doing here " I asked crying. "We were planning this for the past year to surprise you. And when we got here Marner pulled up too" Eddie explained with an accomplished smile

"You had to choose the day where im an emotional wreck" i slapped his chest. They were confused and I inhaled."Today was the day my dad passed 2 years ago so this is his memorial get together " i explained with a voice crack trying to stop myself from crying more.They group hugged me and i just cried I didn't try to stop it ."why didnt you tell me I would've caught a plane to come support you" Mitch explained cradling my head into his chest and kissed the top of my head. "I didnt know that "i defended myself.

"I'll introduce you to my family, please dont do or say something stupid they're a tough crowd" I told the boys and they nodded confused. I took Mitchell's hand and we walked to my front door.

We walked inside and Hades jumped up and ran at the boys."Hades guard " i raised my voice and he stopped . He walked in between my legs and looked at the boys."Holy shit thats a Hell hound " Josh stated hiding behind Mully."To your crate " i pointed and he went to his crate immediately.

"Sorry about that he doesn't recognize you guys " i apologized and shook my head.We walked out to the patio area and everyone's attention was on me."Attention family" i spoke up making them all look at me ."I would like to introduce my friends to you guys , they flew from Texas some from Florida and some from Australia and some from Canada to surprise me but they didn't know about the barbecue, these are the boys , Gaege Josh Mully Eddie Narrator and Kevin and this is Mitchell"i explained and the boys greeted them awkwardly.

"Ey boys grab a beer and come join us " Uncle Sam stated and pointed to the cooler filled with beers.I took Mitchell's hand and walked to my mom. "Mom i would like you to meet Mitch , love this is my mom Milanka" i introduced them and my mom hugged him. " Nice to meet you sweetheart I've heard so many great things about you " My mom smiled and i turned a shade of pink."This is my Aunt Stas and Aunt Kat and Aunt Amber " i introduced him to them and they got up to hug him.I walked him to my Nans and grandpas.

"Micky i would like you to meet Nanna Lesa Popa Cole and Nanna Tammy and Popa John" i introduced him . My Nans gave him kisses on his cheek and my Popa's shook his hand.We walked over to where Ethan and Elijah were."Elijah this is my friend Mitch, Micky my younger brother Elijah" i introduced and they got up and did a bro hug with him.

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