#csw2020 01 | seulgi x yoongi

302 12 187

prompt 01 : " you occupy my mind constantly. "

tw : alcohol, underage drinking, hangover & its various symptoms

this ??challenge?? was made by the extremely talented manwols !!!!!! check out their board to see who else is participating / check the tag #csw2020 !! happy reading ~ also this is not proof read but bella likes it

yoongi is drunk out of his mind.

he's having both the best and worst time of his life - holding a solo cup filled with a questionable mixture of alcohols, staggering across the room as he pushes his way in between couples that are making out in someone's living room.

whose living room was it again? yoongi can't seem to remember at this point.

in his blurry vision, he sees vaguely familiar faces that he can't put a name to. he's had way too many drinks past his limit, but he wants to get as drunk as possible, and have as much fun as possible for at least this one night in his life. it's just hours before his 18th birthday, he'll be of legal age to drink soon.

who gives a fuck anyway?

that's the last thing yoongi remembers before he passes out.

yoongi wakes up with a fucking terrible headache.

his head is pounding, the excruciating pain nothing like he ever felt before. he rubs at his eyes in an attempt to get them used to the bright lights that seem to be surrounding him, but it only makes the pain behind his eyes worse.

his limbs feel too heavy to move, his mouth feels as dry as a desert, it feels like he's spinning around in circles and he's about to throw up.

yoongi feels himself drifting back to sleep, when he hears a tiny voice in the back of his head reciting the same few words over, and over again.

" the malthusian theory... population growth... ecological problems... damn it, do i have to learn how to draw this graph too? "

he can't help but think that he's heard it elsewhere, but can't remember where.

he falls asleep anyway.

the next time yoongi opens his eyes, the pain is less prominent, but he's still just as confused.

where am i? what happened to me? what am i supposed to do next?

he hears that same voice in the back of his head again.

" classes are going to start soon, is yoongi not coming to school today? the teacher already said we can't miss the test later, it's gonna take up a huge portion of our grades... "

yoongi panics. he doesn't remember there being a test, he doesn't even remember why he's in so much pain. regardless, he silently thanks the voice in his head for reminding him, and gets to his feet before stumbling his way to the nearest door and opening it.

yoongi has never been so thankful to see a shower in his life.

after the quickest shower he has ever taken (while brushing his teeth at the same time), he changes and dashes out of the house. the cold water really helped to clear his mind, and he could remember a lot more things now.

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