everything comes back to you | seulmin (1)

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the news was spreading like wildfire across the city - someone was setting everything on fire, destroying public property, causing unrest among the citizens of seoul as their lives were put at risk.

park jimin hadn't heard of the news yet. he was caught up with having to deal with the antics of another villain, kim seokjin - who walked into a bank and threatened to blow up the vault. he was summoned there by headquarters, having the power to fly there in record time to stop the bomb before the timer could reach zero.

after getting into a brawl with kim seokjin, jimin emerged victorious and defused the bomb as well. but, the injuries he sustained left him too weak to truly bring him down.

and so now here is jimin... limping down the alley, trying to fix himself up before heading home.

on his way back to his apartment, he passed by a convenience store, where there was an old television displayed in the window. despite the flickering screen and static noise, he managed to make out what breaking news was being reported. and what the news anchor said had caught his attention.

"news just in - it has been reported that there has been an unidentified person speeding through the city and setting everything on fire. let's have reporter kim yerim, who's at the scene to give us more details. "

" thank you, joohyun! good evening everyone, this is reporter kim yerim, reporting to you live from the scene! from the bits and pieces i've gathered from the conversations of the superheroes, they have been trying to chase down who we can believe to be a new villain, seeing how we've never seen such a power before. " yerim paused to avoid sparks and other debris, falling from a nearby burning building.

" from what i've seen, the new villain can travel at record speed, and doesn't even need to lift a finger to set their surroundings on fire. the superheroes have also been unable to catch up with the villain, as they're held back by the clusters of fire left in their path. they seem to be trying to get in contact with superhero park jimin, whose powers would be able to stop the villain. "

oh. jimin came to a realisation. that's him. so that's why his phone had been vibrating in his pocket the entire time he was fighting, but he shoved the thought to check it entirely to the back of his mind.

he quickly took out his phone and dialled taehyung's number, to which he was greeted with a yell.

" oi, park jimin! why aren't you doing your job as a superhero, the entire city's gonna blow up in flames at this rate! "

" it's that bad? "

" dude, you're the only one who can stop her. yoongi can't even use his teleportation to get near her, she sets anything within a 10 metre radius on fire. all jungkook can do is to use his water blasts to put out the fires she's left behind, but he's getting tired too and that doesn't stop her either. and i've been trying to read her mind to figure out what the hell is going on, but there's nothing to fucking read because all she's doing is panicking? "

" oh. that sounds messy. "

" yes it is, you idiot! where are you, are you gonna come save seoul soon? "

" uh... " jimin paused. " you see, boss assigned me to the bomb incident earlier and things got out of hand. " another pause. " i may or may not have 2 broken ribs and a stab wound on my leg? "

" dude, what the fuck? who were you up against? "

" kim seokjin. he used his duplication powers to put 20 people against me, i'm lucky i didn't get more of my ribs broken to be honest. "

" okay, boss must be crazy for sending you to fight against him alone. "

" it was urgent, i had to fly there to stop the bomb... "

" but yoongi can teleport? boss has just been working you too hard lately, you need a break. you may have more powers than the rest of us, but it doesn't mean he can work you harder either."

" it's fine, and i'm pretty sure yoongi was occupied with seungwan, which was why she wasn't at the bank to heal me anyway. " jimin scoffed. " i don't think i can wait for her to find me for any longer, so i'm just gonna find that stupid villain and end her already. " with that, he put his powers to work, and started floating.

" okay, then we'll get seungwan to catch up with us instead in case your body gives way while you're flying or something. "

" sure, that'd be great. " he mumbled while trying to get his powers to work faster, allowing him to rise higher into the night sky. " say, this villain is a new one, right? i don't remember fighting anyone that uses fire? "

" yeah, but things don't really add up if she's really a new villain. if she was tasked to wreak havoc in the city, two to three villains are usually assigned to do it together, and honestly based on what i'm reading from her, it feels like she doesn't have enough control over her powers. the villain headquarters wouldn't be so reckless. "

while conversing with taehyung, jimin rose high enough to get a good view of seoul, and managed to spot where new fires were starting. " that's true. whatever, our job here is to stop her, not figure out her life story. i'll be there in 20 seconds. " he then swooped down to the buildings, trying to locate the villain.

he saw a tiny, frail girl whose entire body was on fire, dash across the streets.

so that's where she is.

he flew nearer, and started forming thick sheets of ice to block her path, before these sheets of ice eventually started forming over her head as well and joined to basically form an igloo. that had no door.

jimin could see her figure frantically dashing around in the makeshift igloo he conjured, but the fire surrounding her eventually died.

letting out a sigh of relief that she wouldn't be able to cause anymore trouble for the time being, he stopped flying and landed on the ground, before falling over, body completely exhausted. but at least taehyung, yoongi and jungkook were nearby to bring her back to the headquarters for questioning.

he knew he didn't have to worry anymore, and he let his eyes close completely.



this first part of the oneshot may be 1k words but trust me the next part is gonna be much less than that... enjoy?

please be kind i don't really know what i'm writing anymore and i've had this in my drafts for more than a year honestly

lots of love,

oneshots | btsvelvet & moreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora