froyo | seulmin

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they were never the perfect couple, yes.
which couple didn't have fights - big or small?

but one thing their friends couldn't understand was how often they argued with each other over the smallest and dumbest things, on a daily basis.

on some days, it would be about what colour seulgi should paint her nails. on other days, what would be the best name for a tabby cat.

today, it was about frozen yogurt.

the two of them were standing in front of the self service counter at the shop, and right from the very beginning they were having trouble agreeing on what flavour to get.

" hey, the sign says that red velvet is a limited flavour, we should try that. " seulgi pointed out with wide eyes.

" but i wanna eat matcha! "

" jimin ah, you know i don't even like matcha."

" can't we just get both? "

" no, the matcha part will come into contact with everything else and ruin the taste. "

sighing, jimin tried to come to a middle ground. " why not we get the bigger cup and put the two flavours at the opposite ends of the cup so they won't be touching? "

" okay. you do it. "

sometimes, he felt like being with seulgi felt like he was baby sitting a 5 year old even though she was the older one. and sure enough - after that round, there were even more arguments regarding the toppings.

he looked over and found seulgi literally gazing lovingly at the strawberries. that was probably why her next words weren't shocking at all.

" babe, i want the fruits. "

" we're paying according to the weight of our cup, the fruits will be heavy. "

" we're getting the fruits. " she said as she scooped them into the cup.

" fine, then we're getting the kit kat chunks and oreo bits too. " jimin sighed, knowing that they would be paying way too much for the froyo.

" i want the marshmallows and mochi. "

" yes princess. "

" let's add sprinkles too. loads of every kind they have. let's empty their entire bottle of sprinkles. "

" seul, did you come here to eat froyo or eat sprinkles? "

" shut up and let me do whatever i want. "

" i'm the one paying for the froyo. "

" i want to eat it. let's pay! "

jimin sighed for the third time in that shop, bringing the cup to the cashier without a word. sometimes, he was really fed up with how seulgi seemed to ignore his opinions.

but at the same time, he knew seulgi just liked to tease him to see his reaction, and she was still as lovable as ever.

honestly, how could you even be mad at her?

having that thought, a smile made it's way to his face and seulgi who followed him like a little puppy to the cashier and saw it couldn't help but smile too.

they headed to their table after paying for it, and oh my gosh cue the cringey yet cute couple behaviour.

frankly, anyone watching them would never have guessed they were disagreeing over froyo earlier.

the two lovebirds were looking at each other with so much love and admiration, feeding each other, holding hands, leaning against each other, and the list goes on.

regardless of what others thought of their relationship, they didn't bother because despite the many small fights they had, there was nothing serious or harsh about it.

they were just having fun and creating memories with one another, like they ought to.

in fact, today's froyo date would definitely be a memorable one.



surprise! i'm just saying, this entire idea came from ruth and MAYBE i love her! mrruff_xd ❤️

no angst AT ALL! i tried my best at fluff although i'm terrible at it! this is so unlike me! help! i am too sadistic for this! but it was still so fun to write HAHA ALSO JUST IN CASE ANYONE IS CURIOUS it was absolutely inspired by sogurt #sgrean

lots of love,
jane ❤️

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