Ch. 43 Tate Part 1

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"What the hell is your issue?" I glared at her, causing her to instantly whimper.

"I just want to go home. I am tired and I have been missing you. " She wrapped her arms around my neck trying to pull me.

I carefully removed Kimber's arms from my neck, "Luke!" I hollered.

"Yeah, Alpha." He responded, walking over to where I stood with Kimber.

"Take your sister home, she is tired." I said, glaring over in her direction. I was hoping that Kimber would get sick of the cold shoulder I had been giving her and realize on her own that we weren't mates. I was growing more and more distant, but that only seemed to fuel this need that she had to be close to me.

"Sure" Luke said shrugging his shoulders. "Come on Kimber, let's go." With Lukas taking Kimber that allowed me to refocus myself back to my pack, the reason why I am doing everything I have been doing.

As I walked back to the crowd I was once again stopped, "Oh, son!" The melodic voice of my mother called.

"Hi Mom." I said pulling her into a hug. "How are you?" My mother was the sweetest person ever; however, she allowed my father to walk all over her, which I did not understand. Mates were supposed to be equals and my father treated her as anything but.

"I am wonderful! So proud of you! You are going to do wonderful things for this pack. " Lowering her voice, she said, "Better than your father." I gave her a sideways look, "I know a lot more than I let on, son."

I just nodded my head, "I'm going to do my best to fix it." I assured her, as my father came walking over.

"Ah, just who I was looking for. Son, now that you are Alpha, it is time to officially claim your Luna. "

My mother looked between us, "You know, I'm going to let you boys talk shop. This is my cue to leave. " Another thing my mother did was avoid conflict whenever possible, especially when it concerned my father and me.

"I intend two, father. Now that you are not Alpha there are a lot of things that I am going to do. And doing my way. " I said turning back away from the crowd of pack members, my father stomping behind me.

His face instantly distorted, "Now, you don't go making any mistakes." He jokes, "I would hate to see anything bad happen to Ally."

"Listen to me, father." Growling out the word Father. "I played your stupid game, and I won. Looks like I outsmarted you. Now, the least you could do is tell me why. " The glare I was receiving from my father would have a typical wolf cowering in the corner, offering submission, but it no longer worked on me. I was the Alpha now, I submitted to no one.

"Oh, boy, you still have a lot to learn. You didn't win. " There was something in his eyes that told me there was something he knew I didn't, but I wasn't too concerned with it at the present moment. I was more focused on getting answers to the questions that had plagued me for months.

"Just tell me why?"

"Her father was shit! Just like her! I wasn't going to have her mess things up. I should have gotten rid of her like I did her father. " Shock registered on my face.

"What are you talking about?" I shoved him, "What did you do?" My father lunged back at me, I let out a growl that had everyone cowering, we were now drawing the attention of the crowd. "Tell me!" I yelled. "What did you do?" The pack now stands witness to the fight brewing between their former Alpha and their new one. This is not how I had intended the night to go.

"Only what I had to do! He tried to overthrow me, stuck his nose in business that wasn't his. " I picked my father up by his throat, his feet now dangling in the air.

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