"No. Stay there. Wait for one of the girls to call, or your manager."

That's when her instincts kicked in... there's something wrong. "What happened?," her voice shook, heart beating in a faster pace.

"Lilac please, whatever you find out, please stay calm and don't do something reckless. I'm coming to get you, okay?"

"I don't understand..."

"Wait for me."

He hung up, but her phone didn't rest. It continued vibrating the moment the call ended. She swallowed hard and slowly brought it down from her ear. Message notifications flooded her screen.

From: Enzo
Don't open any of your social media accounts for now. The media is always full of bullshit.

From: Soonho
Where are you? Are you okay?

From: Gun
Your phone's busy, I've been trying to call you.

From: My Rei-rei
Manager Jung is coming to fetch you. It may take a while 'cause it started snowing but wait for her, okay? We love you Li.

From: THE Jade Arabella
We're coming home, love. We'll be here for you always.

From: Mighty Seo-mi
Don't read the comments. Wait for Jada and I, Li.

What the hell is happening?

She took a deep breath and opened the Naver app. Once it finally loaded, it felt like the world literally stopped. She didn't even have to search for it because it's on top of the trending topics.

RAVN's Kio Allegedly Dating a Famous Influencer after Intimate Photos got Leaked

Ahn Ki-Ryeong's Dating Scandal with a Social Media Influencer Caused Clamor Among Fans

CCTV Photo of RAVN's Kio and Fashion Blogger in a Tattoo Shop Gets Leaked Leading to Dating Rumors

To torture herself more, she tapped one of the links and there they were—the evidences. To see is to believe? Now suffer the consequences. Her vision instantly blurred as tears rolled down her pale cheeks. Here she was, thinking she already felt the worst pain imaginable... joke's on her, it was only half of what would follow.

Fuck. It hurts too much.

She tightly held her chest, as if it would prevent her heart from breaking even more. Her loud sobs filled the empty apartment with nothing but that one sorrowful question inside her head;

Wasn't I enough?

No. It's not true. Those are all lies. It could be. The media is so good at making shit up.

She tried to compose herself, standing up so she could calm down by pacing back and forth in the living room. There was already an incoming call from Seo-mi, but she rejected it without any hesitation and tapped on Asher's registered number instead.

She knew Kio won't answer if she calls him.

Ash accepted the call by the first ring. "I'll be on my way—"

"Asher," her voice cracked. "Please let me talk to him."


"Please, I'm begging you. I need to hear the truth directly from him."

There was a short pause from the other line before he took a deep breath. "Yohan is currently talking to him, I'll try, okay?"

"Thank you." She waited for a minute or two, before she finally heard the phone being passed onto someone else. "Ki-Ryeong?"

There was a sigh, "it's me."

She sobbed, "please tell me it's not true."

"I would be lying then," he whispered.

Those words did it. Everything just... shut down.

The hand holding the mobile fell to her side as she stared at the framed photo on his bookshelf, right across her. She walked towards it and reached for the frame. Without thinking twice, she forcefully threw it down the hardwood floor. The glass instantly shattered, particularly on the right side where she was happily smiling at the camera.

But her pure heart was too defiant, and instead of satisfaction, guilt filled her chest. No Li, this is not you. She brought the phone back against her ear;

"What was that? Something broke, are you—"

"Kio," she cut him off. "Be happy."


"It will be easier for me to love you from afar if I know you're happy, then I'll get over you sooner. Maybe I just need to know you cheated, for me to finally give up on you," she tearfully smiled. "I'm finally giving up on you."

She waited but he said nothing, as expected.

Again, she sadly smiled, "it will be hard for you the next couple of days, take care of yourself. Please tell Asher not to come here anymore, I can go home by myself. I love you, Ahn Ki-Ryeong, and I promise to unlove you as soon as possible."

This time, she was the one who ended the call before completely turning off her phone. With only the device in her hand, she went out of the apartment and took the elevator down the basement. She almost ran once she saw the familiar cab parked on the same spot where it stopped earlier.

"Miss, where's your coat? It started to snow," the old man greeted her with worry.

"Please take me home, Uncle."

She stopped herself from looking at him, trying to hide her tears, and watched the snowy scene beyond the windshield, thinking how the sky must be starless tonight. The night sky had always been clear and full of stars during their past anniversaries, this is the first time it wasn't. It is probably sad as well, because its brightest star isn't shining tonight.

"It's too painful because the love is too deep," the familiar comforting voice of the old driver broke the silence.

She finally turned to him and saw him holding up a box of tissues. Faintly smiling, she unbuckled her seatbelt before leaning forward to get it.

Everything happened the second her hand touched the box. Lights blinded her from the side, causing her eyes to close. A forceful collision numbed her senses, sending her fragile body against the car door on the other side. The windows burst, shattered glass flew everywhere, piercing all over her body. The helpless car rolled to the side of the road until it laid on the pavement, roof down.

Once again, Lilac felt nothing. Unlike a while ago, there's literally nothing. No pain, no sorrow, no questions lingering inside her head... just nothing.

At that moment, she was thankful.

She opened her eyes and as oppose to what she expected, she saw a star-filled sky beyond the falling snow.

It was the same starry sky that surrounded her when Kio confessed, when Kio asked her to be his girlfriend, when Kio used to sing for her while they slow-danced, when Kio introduced her to his family, when she introduced Kio to hers, when Kio promised her of so many things...

It was the same starry sky that surrounded her in the happiest moments of her life.

And it is the same starry sky that bids her farewell.

She smiled.

The brightest star is coming home.

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