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I furrowed my eyebrows "Yea?" I look for him to continue "this is kinda a long shot so just trust me" he shifted around on the blanket. Cleo put her iPad down, watching as he stood up. He held his hand out for me to take, which I did, letting him pull me to my feet

"I'm not all big and pregnant yet, soon you're gonna have to be pulling me to my feet every 10 minutes" I giggle. He smiled "exactly..and I want to" he replied. He kept my hands in his, dropping down on one knee in front of me

My eyes widened as he pulled out a black box from his pocket

"I know that you've probably thought about the day someone proposes to you..and while I know you would've fantasised about it being a lot more romantic then this, but I wanted to do it now. Just the three..four..of us together as a family. When I met you back in middle school, I fell in love with your gorgeous face and your bright blue eyes instantly. And then you spoke, and while the first thing you did was break up with me, I couldn't get you off of my mind. Your personality is unforgettable..everything about you is..and You are the only girl I have ever loved, and I never stopped. I know it's quick, I know I've only known of Cleo for a few months but I know how I feel and with our little boy coming..god you just make me so are the love of my blonde beauty - short stack of pancakes - Penelope Hart..will you marry me?" He smiled brightly

I let a tear run freely down my face, nodding my head quickly as my hands shook in his. He slid the huge diamond ring over my finger steadily before standing up on his feet

He cupped my face instantly, smashing his lips down on to time. I kissed back without hesitation, the tears continuing to pour down my face. "I love you so damn fucking much" he whispered, engulfing me into a hug

"I love you too" I whisper back, feeling my leg being tugged on. We pull away, crouching back to the floor so that Cleo could join our hug "does that mean we're gonna move in with daddy? And be one big family?" She questioned with a smile

"It does mean we will be one big family, baby. Daddy and I will both be there every morning" I replied, not knowing what to say about who's moving "princess if it's alright with you, in a could of weeks I'll come and move to yours and mommy's home in New York..that way you can stay with all your toys" Lucas stroked a strand of her hair out of her face

She beamed, "yay! Daddy's coming to live with us mommy!" She wrapped her arms around his neck "you'd really leave this place?" I question. He nods, "I'd move halfway across the world if you wanted me to, Maya" he smiled sweetly

I leant over, kissing him passionately "remember when we didn't want Cleo to find out we were together? being together ended in the exact opposite way then a break up" I giggle, leaning my back against his chest as Cleo distracted herself with her iPad again

He chuckled, "I do remember..but I wouldn't change a thing" he smirked "omgsh I have to tell Isadora and Riley..and Neilson!" I gush. He just laughed, kissing my forehead.

I glanced down to the outstanding ring on my finger "i love it" I breath "and the whole thing was perfect! I wouldn't have changed a thing" I look up to him "well it wasn't on some tropical island that you rented" he smirked

"I would pick this over that anyway" I smiled warmly "my fiancé is perfect" I whisper, snuggling further into his chest

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