11 children

722 17 4

It was the following Monday, things had since pretty much gone back to normal. Cleo cried every now and again about missing Lucas, I can't say I blame her, I do too.

Riley and Farkle left on Saturday back to Florida, they're so cute together. I got up this morning, checking the mail by the table outside my bedroom, no new wedding invitations this time.

"Cleo baby..you're going back to school today.." I hum as I come into her bedroom. She stirred in her sleep, sitting up tiredly "I wanna see daddy mommy" she demanded

"Oh good morning to you too, Missy. I see someone slept on the wrong side of the bed" I giggle, helping her up to get changed for the day. She wiped her eyes, allowing me to change her quietly until it was time for breakfast

She sat up to the table across from me, eating a few strawberries and a waffle while I sipped my coffee, watching her adorable self "it's been this many days mommy! How many more days until I see daddy again" she pouted, holding up 5 fingers

"Uhh..this many" I chuckle, holding up 10 fingers "ow!" She sighed "Mimi! Are you up!" Neilson called from the living room "oh look! Cleo if it isn't your favourite person in the whole wide world!" I beam, opening the door for Neilson to come into the kitchen

"Daddy is my favourite person in the whole wide world! And then Neilson!" Cleo huffed "well what's mommy?" Neilson asked "3rd" she glared softly "oh that's nice, thank you" I reply sarcastically

"Look mini money, I know you miss daddy but it's not mommy or daddy's fault. Mommy has to work here in New York and daddy has to work in rusty dusty Texas. Your upset now because you want to have them both, but trust me when you grow up, being able to say you live in more then one state is the coolest thing ever! Imagine telling your friends how you take a trip down to ride some horsies or come up to New York and live in a luxury penthouse every other week" Neilson explained, sitting beside the small girl

She sat quietly for a few moments taking it in "mommy is now my second favourite person" she stated "boy do you have your moms stubbornness" Neilson muttered "hey!" I protest

He shushed me, returning back to Cleo "come on mini money, let's get you to school so mommy can go to work because she is late! Say goodbye!" He gestured "bye love bug..I love you" I smile, getting up to hug her

She wrapped her arms around me loosely "love you too mommy" she mumbled before following Neilson out of the apartment. I soon finished getting myself ready, heading down to my car and getting inside to drive to the work

"Good morning Miss Hunter" the receptionist smiled as I passed her "morning miss Hastings" I reply kindly, brushing past the desk to my glass office on the top floor. I sit down, dropping my handbag by my feet and placing my phone on the desk in front of me while I worked

It soon flashed up, the time being 12:45pm,

Lucas Friar:
i'm missing you..

I smiled. A warm melting feeling oozing out of my heart. I picked up the small rectangle, swiping to reply

Maya Hunter:
I miss you too..Cleo was a bit unhappy this morning..not even Neilson could cheer her up. She told me I was her third favourite person in the world. Didn't I tell you she was a daddy's girl?

He didn't reply for a while, busying myself with more work only assuming he must me doing something at work like fixing up a cat or giving surgery to another animal

Lucas Friar:
Third? What was I? Do you think I should come up or something? I don't want her to be upset and take it out on you..

Maya Hunter:
No no, you gotta work. She'll get over it, promise. You were first. Neilson was second.

Lucas Friar:
Taking the lead yet again, I am a ladies man after all ;)

I giggled as I read his text. He's so cocky.

Maya Hunter:
One for the ladies? I sure hope not..maybe I need to go out and get myself a boyfriend then..

Lucas Friar:
Actually..there is this one guy i know who is pretty interested in you..he doesn't stop going on about you..it's kinda weird. I think he's pretty cool though, I'm sure you'll like him..I'll send you his details now..

And with that, my heart sunk. How could he set me up with another guy when I have Cleo..his daughter..I'm his ex-..actually we never dated..I'm his baby mommy..he said he loved me? I locked my phone, placing it down on the desk as I was unsure of what to say. What am I supposed to reply with?

Yes please send his details along with a resume and a cover letter?

Yes, I'm looking to have kids with more then one person so that would be nice?

Lucas Friar:
Lucas Friar
Age: 25
Phone number: (09) 456 789 123
Children: 1

Lucas friar:
Anything else you want to know?

Maya Hunter:
Does he want any more kids? Is he still in contact with the baby's mom? I'm curious..

Lucas Friar:
Don't worry, he loves them very much. He'd be great for you..

Lucas Friar:
Oh and he wants 11 children. :)

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