A second time

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"You..you're pregnant?" He mumbled. I nodded "again..a second time..I'm going to have two kids" I reply. "I-Is it mine?" He furrowed his eyebrows. I screwed my face up "of course it's yours! What am I? A slut?" I frown

He shook his head quickly "no, no..just checking.." he muttered. We stood silently for a few minutes, the only sound you could hear was our breathing. I looked up to him, biting down on my lip. A smile cracked onto his face, "I hope it's a boy" he chuckled

I laughed, wiping a tear from my eye "a-are you mad?" I stutter. He shook his head again, cupping my face "god no! Of course I'm not mad..why would I be mad?" He questioned

"Because I really feel like I'm forcing a family on you at the moment. First Cleo and me, and now this one.." I laugh softly between cries "you're the only person on this entire planet I want I family with, Maya. You, me, Cleo and bean" he smiled

"Actually it's not a bean yet..it's like a clump of cells" I joke "sorry, my baby sizing skills aren't the best" he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me "god I love you so much, Maya" he mumbled quietly

"I love you too" I muffle a reply as I bury my face into his bare chest "We're gonna have two kids" he breathed "a whole family of four" I add "and one day, we will be a family of 13" he dreamed

"You really think my body would handle 11 kids. I'm ready to retire after one" I giggle "seriously though, Maya..I can't wait..I know I wasn't there for Cleo, but I can't wait to be there for this one" he pulled away from me to kiss my lips

"Its so good to hear you say that" I reply "we're gonna have to look into moving, Lucas. Either you come up to New York or we move down here..I don't know yet but I want us to be one big family" I add. He nods "of course..we will..we don't have to worry about that right now though" he took my hand, leading me back up to the bedroom

"I really do hope it's a boy though" he smiled happily "Nooo I want two girls" I reply "unless I can name the boy huckleberry junior" I smirk. He shook his head "you can't do that..poor child" he smirked

"So how did you find out? Just felt like taking a test? Or do you girls do that when you hang out?" He questioned. I laughed, "no we don't" I defend, "I was sick on the plane on the way over here..I just thought that it was air sickness so I didn't think too much of it..but when I got to isadoras, Zay had made food before he left and I could smell it as soon as I stepped inside and I had to run to the bathroom to throw up..she made me take the test..normally morning sickness doesn't start until week 6, but it can start as early as week 4..and it must be week 4" I explain

"So was our little child conceived in Italy?" He smirked "maybe..or maybe it was back in New York..I'll book an appointment at the clinic when I get back" I explain

"This is so great..do you think Cleo will be excited?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "she better be..I'm not getting rid of it" I laugh, standing up from the bed and unzipping the skirt

"Ohhhh that's what you meant! When you said it wasn't going to fit you..I just thought you were saying you were putting on weight" he chuckled. "Do I look like I have?" I furrow my eyebrows, looking at myself in the mirror

"No! No not at all! You look perfect, amazing, beautiful..so sexy..but no! And even when your belly does grow you won't be fat" he clarified "ahh so you think I'm sexy" I smirk

"Of course. Look at you" he screwed his face up "okay well I'm going to go and change and then I'm going to come back" I reach for the door "Nooo just wear one of mine" he pouted

"You're such a little baby" I laugh, opening his wardrobe and slipping an oversized shirt on and then taking off the skirt and top "I just wanna hold you here" he smiled happily, wrapping his arms around me as I laid in the bed beside him

He pressed play on the move, kissing my neck "I love you so much" he mumbled

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