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Tyrin Jacobs POV
September 8th, 2019
Tuesday at 7:25am

"Dad! Do you know where my ring is?!" I yelled from up the stairs.

"You left it on the dryer. Hurry up and come downstairs! Your going to be late for your first day!" He yelled back from downstairs.

"Okay! Let me get my book bag first." I responded and went back into my room and grabbed my book bag.

I left with it on my back and jogged downstairs to the wash room and got my ring and slipped it on.

"You don't have to drop me this morning you know that right, I could've drove myself." I told my dad as he opened the front door for me.

"Now what type of dad would I be if I let my daughter drive her own self to a brand new school in a brand new state" he smiled.

I shook my head and giggled. "Alright, come on baldy." I spoke then walked out the door.

He locked the door and we both walked to his car, I got into the passenger and he got into the driver.

I put my book bag on the ground in front of me and put on my seatbelt.

"You nervous?" He questioned as he started the car.

"No, I'm happy that I just get to sorta refresh my life a little bit." I answered.

He nodded his head and reversed out the driveway. "Now remember Tyrin, we don't want anymore foolish mistakes this time like in Ohio. Just go to school and get your grades right, no dealing with boys or-

"Okay dad, I understand. Can we not talk about all this? It's old news." I said cutting him off.

He huffed. "I'm just letting you know cause we not moving anymore if this shit happens again." He continued.

I ignored him and just looked out the window. It's my first day at my new school and I don't even wanna be reminded of my past actions in Ohio.

My phone buzzed and it was a text from my mother who was back in Ohio since the divorce.

Momma💞: Good Morning baby, hope you have a good day at school today ❤️

Me: Thank You mommy 😊 hope you have a nice day at work💖

I turned my phone off and continued to look out the window.

"That was your moms?" My dad asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

I turned my head to him. "Yea, she texted me to say have a good day at school." I replied.

He nodded his head. My parents are divorced and I would like to say that it's my fault but they both say that it isn't.

After since my incident, my parents had different ways on how to handle it. I was depressed at that time, my dad wanted to move away from Ohio but my mom wanted to stay and just get to the source of it.

They always argued but when the stuff went down with me, they argued even more and just decided on splitting up and gave me a choice on who to live with.

Me being depressed and exhausted of all the drama, I chose to live with my dad since he wanted for me to move away from all of it and start a fresh new social life.

My mother understood completely and I still have a healthy relationship with the both of them. They're not officially divorced yet cause in Ohio it takes at the most 60 days for it to finalize but I still say that they divorced cause they're about to any way.

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