"T-Taehyunie?" Taehyun asked. Beomgyu nodded with a big smile. "Ish nickname por you!" Beomgyu said before he started to paint again.

Taehyuns breath hitched. He didn't know what he was feeling, but he was sure he was in love.

Taehyun decided to stop drawing, he didn't care about anymore. All he cared about was Beomgyu. Taehyun had heart shape eyes as he starred at Beomgyu. Yes. He was definitely in love.

"You are mine now" Taehyun said without thinking of it. Beomgyu gasped and looked at Taehyun. Of course Beomgyu had no idea what Taehyun was talking about, Beomgyu thought that Taehyun said something about them being friends. That made Beomgyu clap.

"Yes yes yes!"  Beomgyu said, he was finally happy. Taehyun was no longer scared of him. That means Beomgyu finally had a friend, someone his age who was a hybrid. That meant playdates and sleep overs.

All things Beomgyu had never experienced before.

Taehyun on the other hand, was beyond happy. He knew maybe he was way, way to young. But he was for sure him and Beomgyu were meant to be.

The two hybrids went on coloring till they were down. They then ended up playing with blocks and race cars till the two little hybrids fell asleep while hugging each other.

When Jin walked in the room to tell Beomgyu Soobin was waiting to talk to him, his heart warmed up at the sight of the two asleep on a beanbag together, holding each other tight.

Jin could already see, those two hybrids will be the best of friends.


Beomgyu felt warm. He felt a familiar warm and smelled a familiar smell. The familiar big hands he was use to played with his small baby hands.

That warm feeling he felt was a comforting one. He knew it all to well. Especially when he opened his eyes to see Soobin looking down at him. Beomgyu couldn't tell it was real or not. But tears came to his eyes as he jumped up into Soobins arms and held him tight.

"Soobinie!" Beomgyu cried as he held Soobin for dear live. Soobin chuckled and stood up from his couch and rested his arm under Beomgyus butt, holding him by his side.

Beomgyu cried as he talked, although Soobin couldn't seem to understand what he was saying. So Soobin just nodded as he walked to the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat that was down and grabbed some tissue and cleaned up Beomgyus tears.

Beomgyu stopped crying, his words sounded horse as snot started to come out of his nose. Soobin smiled and grabbed clean tissue and put it up to Beomgyus nose.

"Blow your nose for me baby boy"

Beomgyu whined and blew his nose, letting out a small sigh after it and looked up at Soobin as Soobin cleaned  his nose before kissing Beomgyus forehead.

"It's alright, Soobin missed you lots too. But guess what? Jin said you were a good boy. And Soobin got you that gift. Wanna go see it?" Soobin asked as he stood up. Beomgyu clenched to Soobins shirt and nodded "peas" Beomgyu said and sniffed.

Soobin grabbed more tissue just in case and walked to His room.

Beomgyu let out a gasp and yelled before he started to wiggle out of Soobins hold. Soobin set Beomgyu down and watched him run and jump onto to big humans size stuffed bear.

Soobin smiled as he watched Beomgyu try and wrap his arms around the bear.

"Ish so big an soft Soobinie!" Beomgyu said before he ran to Soobin and hugged his leg while jumping up and down.

"Alright alright, it's bath time. I already started bath up so let get you cleaned" Soobin said and picked Beomgyu up and walked to the bathroom.

Beomgyu babbled on and on about his day. Soobin nodded although he really wasn't listening.

His mind was stuck on Jin's words when he picked up Beomgyu earlier.

"I don't mean to be that person. But Soobin, you can't just keep Beomgyu without legally owning him. If you walk around with him freely and he doesn't have a collar, soon he could be taken away. Of course the label will be that you're his master but that doesn't matter. Tomorrow come to my office and I'll help make it official and we can  get him a collar that he has to wear whenever he leaves the house. I know it seems unfair, but it's not my rules. Even if he is a toddler, he still needs a collar"

Soobin knew it wasn't bad. It was just the collar part. What if Beomgyu hated it? What if he cried from it. Soobin couldn't take that.

He could never take seeing his Beomgyu cry.



And updates are slow bey of my job now :(

sorry for any spelling mistakes

I hope you all liked it.

!stay safe!

I love you all.

Bye bye.

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