Chapter 10: The Return of Lexi Branson!

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Lexi Branson is Stefan Salvatore's best friend, Lexi has been the only one there for him, when Stefan first became a vampire he made Damon feed on human blood but Damon didn't like it, but later on he loved drinking human blood, Stefan and Damon had a rough relationship with each other. Lexi and Stefan met when Damon was craving blood and Stefan saw some injured soldiers that's when Lexi and Stefan met, Lexi became Stefan's guide to control his hunger for human blood. The first time Lexi saw Stefan was when he was turning 162 on his birthday, but later on Damon killed Lexi because he talked to the Sheriff which was Caroline's mother, but later on when Damon was dying from Tyler's werewolf bite Stefan had to drink a lot of blood samples just so Klaus could give Damon his blood because Klaus's blood is the only way to cure a werewolf bite, but later Stefan had to go with Klaus but than when he had to turn off his humanity he started to care less about feeding on human blood, so when Bonnie casted a spell she brought back, her grams back, Mason, Anna, Vicki and Lexi back, but Elena needed Lexi because she was the only one that could control Stefan. 

Back at the Lockwood House, Stefan couldn't stop looking at her because, she looked human, and Lizzie  said, "Aunt Lexi is human now, Josie and I made her human, also we have one more surprise for, Uncle Damon, you, and Mommy, look next to you Daddy Stefan." Stefan than looked he saw his mother, and he saw Caroline's mom, and Lizzie said, "Grandma, and Grandma Salvatore are alive thanks to our magic!" Stefan, than said, "Mom?" Momma Forbes?" Than all of a sudden Caroline came in and opened the door, and she said, "Mommy is that you?" Liz Forbes said, "Yes honey it's me, I heard that I have 2 granddaughters, and 2 grandsons coming soon." Lily Salvatore than said, "Stefan, and Damon, my boys, I have granddaughters, and two grandsons?" Damon and Stefan were so excited because there mother was back for good and Caroline was even happier because her mom was back for good. Caroline didn't think there was a way that she could ever bring back her mom. Caroline than said, "How in the world did you, Momma Salvatore, and Lexi come back?" Josie said, "Mommy, me and Lizzie did a spell that we wanted to do for you, Daddy Stefan and of course Uncle Damon." Damon said, "Thank you sweethearts it really means a lot to me, Mommy, Daddy Stefan, and Aunt Elena." 

Stefan, and Caroline took Lexi, Lily, and Liz to there Salvatore House that they shared with Damon and Elena. Elena finally arrived home but she was super drunk, Elena than came in and said, "Hey babe, I'm super drunk you know what that means." Damon said, "Um sweetie, I so wish I could do that, but your super drunk, and I think it's best if I just put you in the bed and let you sleep, and I'll just surprise you in the morning." Than Elena almost fell on the floor but luckily Damon catch Elena than she fell asleep in his arms, than Damon put her in there bed and he put her in the bed, and he made sure she was comfortable, than Damon went downstairs and shut the door quietly. Than Damon went downstairs to chat with Stefan, Lily, Liz, Lexi, and Caroline. Caroline said, "Mom me and Stefan are going to name the boys, Jacob Damon, and Matthew Forbes." Liz than said, "I love the names, and you added Forbes to it I love it even better." Alaric than dropped off the girls off at the Salvatore's house, than Alaric left. Caroline than said, "Girls I would like you to meet your grandma, Mom this is Josie, and this is Lizzie." Liz than said, "Lizzie as in?" Caroline than said, "Yes grandma as in your name, Alaric thought of the name Lizzie after you, we wanted to have name Lizzie after you because Alaric wanted my mother's name, and Josie was named Josie after her mom Jo." Liz than hugged and kissed her granddaughters. Caroline than led her mom to where she was going to sleep from now on, but the girls wanted to sleep with there Grandma Forbes, so Caroline and Stefan thought it was a good idea. So Liz and the girls than slept on the bed together, and they than fell asleep, than Caroline shut the door. Caroline than went downstairs to chat with Damon, Stefan, Lily and Lexi. Lexi said, "So your the famous Caroline, that Stefan's been talking about for 2 hours now!" Caroline than said, "You must be Lexi, I've heard about you when Stefan and I were friends, he did mention that he had a best friend named, Lexi, that she was blonde, kind of like me." Stefan than said, "Hey Guys, I think we should head to bed because we have a lot to talk about, like Lexi, and my mother, and Damon and Elena." Than Stefan and Caroline led Lexi to her bed that she was going to sleep at, and she loved her room, and than Damon led his mom to where she was going to sleep, than Damon went back to bed where his fiancé was drunk and asleep than he cuddled her and than fell asleep, than Caroline and Stefan went to bed, Stefan cuddled Caroline's belly, than everyone was asleep.

The next morning Lexi woke up and all of a sudden she saw Elena, and Elena than screamed, Damon than came downstairs because he heard Elena scream, Damon than said, "Elena, Honey are you okay?" Elena than says, "Lexi is here alive!" Damon than says, "Yes sweetie she is alive, but there's something I should tell you." Elena than see's Liz Forbes, and Lily Salvatore, and she starts to freak out, Caroline than says, "Elena the girls brought back my mom, Lexi, and Momma Salvatore!" Elena than said, "OMG! Liz, Lily, and Lexi, OMG! If I had enough magic I would bring back my parents!" Caroline than felt like her world was complete, but she missed her dad, but there was no way that her dad could come back because he refused to feed on human blood. 

Lexi Branson 

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Lexi Branson 

Lily Salvatore 

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Lily Salvatore 

Lily Salvatore 

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Liz Forbes 

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