Chapter 11: Liz Forbes and Carolines Relationship timeline

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Liz Forbes was pregnant with Caroline but what you didn't know about Liz Forbes is that Damon actually knew Liz in the very beginning, he one time saw Liz pregnant with Caroline wearing a cute dress, and she told Damon that she was having a girl. Later on Caroline was a teenager that attended Mystic Falls High School. Liz has always protected Caroline, but once vampires came into town, Liz got concerned, so when Logan Fell was murdered, and when he came back Liz knew that he died, but she realized that he was a vampire, but Damon saved Caroline and Liz was always protected of Caroline. But when Caroline became a vampire, she was nervous because she had to hid this secret away from her mom. But before she was a vampire, when Stefan came into town, that night when Stefan went to the Grill Caroline met Damon, and she never gets the guys, because she always said, "I never get the guy, but Elena always gets the right guy." But right there and than she saw Damon. The next night she finally saw Damon and they hit it off, by meaning they hit it off hot and steamy, if you know what I mean. But the next morning, Caroline saw in her mirror that she had blood on her neck than she realized that she had to get out of her house, because she than knew that Damon is a vampire, but when Damon heard her foot steps, he knew she was up, but that's when she realized that Damon was definitely a vampire. But when Elena wanted to have Bonnie to finally meet her new boyfriend, Stefan, she had a feeling that Stefan was a monster or even a vampire that when she touched him when she first touched Stefan's hand. But when Stefan saw that Caroline and Damon wanted to come join he didn't mind that Caroline wanted to come in but he did mind that Damon come in because he didn't want Damon to come in because he didn't want him to hurt Elena, Bonnie or Caroline. That's when Stefan got to talk to Caroline alone. Stefan said that he loved Caroline's scarf and he asked if she could take it off and she said no, but than Damon came in and he told Caroline to help Elena and Bonnie with the dishes, she said I don't think so than he compelled her. Than Stefan said to Damon, "Damon, she's not a puppet." and Damon didn't understand but he used her as a drinking blood bag. When Elena invited Stefan to the Lockwood Heritage party where Elea gave Mrs. Lockwood her mom's wedding ring to the Heritage party, but when Elena saw some bruises on Caroline's neck and she took off her scarf and Caroline got really mad and she said, "Stay the hell away from me Elena, god!" But than Elena got really mad and told Damon that, "You better back off of Caroline because I know her mom, the Sheriff, just back off!" But before all of this happened, Stefan danced with Caroline and sipped her glass with some vervain, so that in case Damon wanted to suck her blood, he would be affected.

 Lockwood her mom's wedding ring to the Heritage party, but when Elena saw some bruises on Caroline's neck and she took off her scarf and Caroline got really mad and she said, "Stay the hell away from me Elena, god!" But than Elena got really mad ...

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