Chapter 5: Salvatore Twin Boys!

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Caroline and Stefan got ready for the surprise party that they were going to host at the grill at 1pm. They were the first one's to arrive. They had a big banner that said, We're having twins in blue! Matt, Elena, Damon, Alaric, the twins, Tyler, Enzo, and Enzo arrived on time. They all saw the sign and they all looked at Caroline and Stefan and screamed all together, "OMG!" Damon was the first one to cry because his little brother was going to become a father for the first time, because Damon knew from where he was standing that he was already an amazing step-father to the stinkers that Caroline and Alaric share together. He was so excited that he ran to his brother and gave him the best brother hug ever in brother hug history. Damon said, "Brother, you're going to have twin boys I saw the banner, I'm so excited for you and Care bear, I can't wait to be an uncle to these boys, do you have any names for the boys?" Stefan than replied to his question, "Yeah I do, Jacob Damon, and Matthew Forbes." Damon smiled because he heard his name in one of the boy's middle name. Stefan than told Damon, "Damon in my life as a vampire I thought that I couldn't have kids, but you know what happened, the girls helped me and so did Bonnie, because the girls told me that they wanted a sibling, and they wanted to surprise Caroline and I by putting a spell that would link me and Caroline together so we would get pregnant with this magical baby, I mean babies." Damon than said, "Wow that's amazing little brother, I wanted to ask you if you would be my best man for mine and Elena's wedding?" Stefan replied, "I would love to!" 

Back at the grill Elena, Bonnie and Caroline were chit chatting about the news. Caroline cried because she had an announcement to make in front of her family/friends. Stefan and Caroline than came together, and they stood upfront on the main stage and they made an announcement. Caroline said, "Hello everyone, I would like to announce that Stefan and I are excited because we are having twin boys, there names are going to be Jacob Damon Salvatore, and Matthew Forbes Salvatore, but I would like to thank Stefan my husband, Josie and Lizzie, and of course Bonnie because this wouldn't of happened if the three of my witch ladies would of put a spell that linked me and Stefan together, when I found out I was pregnant I was so confused because vampires can't have kids unless it has to do with magic than I looked at Stefan and asked him what did he do and he said that Jo, Liz, and of course Bonnie gave me and Stefan a surprise." Stefan than said, "Lizzie, Josie, and Bonnie thank you so much for this amazing surprise and even bigger surprise that you granted us with twin boys! Damon I would like to make you Jacob's god-father, and Bonnie I would like to make you Matthew's God-mother. As a child the only man I looked up to whenever I got in trouble as a kid Damon would always teach me how to do manly stuff!" 

Lizzie went up on stage and spoke next and Lizzie said, "Hi Uncle Tyler, Uncle Enzo, Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Matt, Uncle Jeremy, Uncle Damon, Aunt Elena, Daddy, I know this is about Mommy and Daddy Stefan's twin boys, but the whole reason why I wanted to do this with my twin and Aunt Bonnie was because I wanted a sibling, so does Jo, and Aunt Bonnie and we decided that we wanted twin brothers so we linked Mommy to Daddy Stefan and we decided that Daddy Stefan was thinking in his mind, again sorry about going into your head we just wanted to know what kind of a baby I mean babies you wanted to have." Josie was next up, "Lizzie and I always wanted a brother but now we decided with Aunt Bonnie that we wanted twin brothers, so why not surprise you guys with twin boys!" 

Bonnie came up, Stefan, Caroline, and the twins sat down, and they wanted to hear what Bonnie had to say, Bonnie than said, "Caroline Elizabeth Forbes Salvatore, where in the world do I begin, before I met with the girls I had a feeling that Lizzie and Josie wanted a sibling because they always would tell me that I think that Mommy and Stefan deserve a baby. So I met up with the girls when Damon proposed to Elena, and I sat with them and we both made a promise that we would surprise Caroline and Stefan with this magical twin boys spell." 

Elena came up next to Bonnie, Elena than said, "Caroline, Stefan, Lizzie and Josie, I'm so excited for you guys, you two are you going to be big sisters to Jacob and Matthew, Care, and Stef,  I'm so excited for you, I can't wait to meet the little boys. I can't wait to be an aunt again but to boys. I love you. Stefan, I'm so happy for you, you get to be a father to two boys now. I love you two so much. Now Lizzie and Josie would you girls like to hear a story about your Uncle Jeremy and I? Well, when my parents died at the Wickery Bridge but I bet you guys didn't know that Daddy Stefan, saved me from dying because my dad told Stefan to save me instead. But daddy Stefan has been my best friend for years now. When I found out that Stefan was a vampire when I dated him, yes before your mommy married and dated Stefan, I was with him, I was scared and out of my mind when I found out that Stefan was a vampire and that Damon was also a vampire, but you girls know that your mommy is a vampire and that she would never hurt you. But when I got turned into a vampire Uncle Jeremy would always want to help me and find a cure for me to find a cure for vampires to become human, but finally, Uncle Damon, Daddy Stefan, and I are finally human. But I know how it feels to have a sibling,  I love my brother so much! So yeah Jeremy's like my twin! Congrats you guys, I love you!" 

Damon than came up next to Elena. Damon than said, "Hello Brother and Sister, and chipmunks. Where in the world do I begin! Stef, my little brother, I remember the ay you knew Caroline was the one that you wanted one day to marry, and look now your married! Stefan and I were 2 best of brothers. We had an abusive father, that would always hurt our mother, but I promised Stefan till this day that I would always protect my little brother, but now little brother, it's time you take care of Blonde, the squirts, and those boys! Caroline, we've dated for let's say 3 days but when we broke up I never realized what an amazing woman that you became. I should of been nicer back than, besides that I love you guys and congrats!" 

Tyler than came up. Tyler than said, "Caroline, we've been through a lot, now before you had Stefan you had me. Care, you've helped me through my transition into becoming a werewolf to becoming a vampire. Which is also called a hybrid. But Caroline even though we ended our relationship doesn't mean that I stopped caring about you. Stefan in the beginning I didn't like you until now that I see you human version, which is a better version of yourself that I've seen in years. I love you guy!" 

Matt than came up. Matt than said, Caroline, After you and Damon broke up I started to date Caroline, but it also made things awkward between Elena, Stefan, Caroline and I, because Elena and I have history of dating. But When I look at you and Stefan It makes me happy! Stefan in the beginning like what Ty said I didn't like you as a vampire but seeing you as a human I've seen a change in you! I love you guys! Congrats!" 

Jeremy than came up next to Matt Jeremy said, "Caroline and Stefan where in the world do I begin to start, Caroline you've been there for me and Elena when our parents died that spring, you've been the best support system ever, when I look at you now as a mother and a mother to those boys inside you, I can't wait to see those boys, so I can teach them the Gilbert way on flirting with the ladies, Stefan, you've helped me through some crazy shit, oh sorry girls I mean bull shark, but Stefan you've helped me with Elena becoming a vampire, and to protect me. Congrats you guys!" 

Enzo than came up while Jeremy and Matt went to there seats. Enzo said, "Stefan and Caroline, wow okay let's first start with Caroline, when I first met Caroline, now Love I see you starring at me, but this was before us so let me say this about Caroline okay, Caroline, remember I said hello gorgeous, I remember the moment when we had fun and would kick some dirty butt, but now your an amazing mother to these amazing girls that I love to watch all the time, Stefan, Mate congrats!"

The last person to speak was Alaric, "Stefan and Caroline I'm so happy  for you two, Stefan your already a good step-dad to Josie and Lizzie, and you protect them like like there your own kids, which is why I want to make I want to make you Lizzie and Josie's god-father in case something where to happen to me! Anyways congrats!" When Alaric was done with his speech, Stefan ran and gave Alaric a hug, and asked, "Are you sure Ric?" Alaric replied, "Hell yes!" 

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